Chapter 32

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3 weeks down the line and I have done my best to stay away from Jason and even if we did somehow have something to do together concerning the baby but I made sure that I was always with someone so that he didn't get a chance to talk to me or seduce me. It hasn't been easy but I was managing and I was grateful to God that I hadn't broken down in a full week. I was slowly but surely getting used to the fact that I was single and my baby daddy was somebody's husband.

"You wanna grab some coffee?" That was Zoe,she has been living with me for the past three weeks. She was my protector as she likes to put it. I had gotten a restraining order for Vusi and he wasn't allowed anywhere near me. He did text me apologising but I knew he didn't mean it. If given a chance he would hurt me so I wasn't going to give him that chance ever again.

"Sure." Zoe was the one driving so she made a turn probably taking us to whichever cafe she was in the mood for. "You know Zoe I feel like my life is some sort of those melodramatic sad movies where those melancholy sounds be playing one way." I said my thought out loud and Zoe seemed like she was picturing what I was talking about and that's when she burst out laughing so hard like I just told a good joke but I was being serious. My life was one sad ass movie.

"Ave unedrama K." She continued laughing,her eyes were still on the road. "I mean I get it. Jason broke your heart but girl nobody died instead he gave you a great gift. You have always wanted to be a mother and I know when you miscarried the first time you shoved having babies back to your head but look at God. He has given you someone to completely heal your heart." She beamed and took a quick glance at me. "You're going to be a great mother K." She gave me an assured smile and I found myself returning it. Her words gave me some sort of hope. Maybe having a baby is exactly what I need. Maybe this baby is what God is giving me to mend my heart completely and just find something meaningful with my life and for once give my heart to the that actually deserves it.

"Someone looks excited to be an auntie." I was just pushing my tears back. I was tired of being some cry baby but at this moment I knew it was this baby that was making me get emotional.

"We all are and I am sure even Jason despite him being married to that beautiful toad." I laughed at her when she said that. It was actually hard to hate on Emma. She was beautiful, everything about her screamed beauty and there was also her personality. She wasn't just beautiful on the inside but she was also a beautiful person inside and the guilt of what me and her husband sometimes did haunt me but I knew telling her would just ruin things and I did not need that. I couldn't do that to Jason. I couldn't ruin his marriage.

We got in this fancy cafe and I followed Zoe as she lead us inside and the coffee aroma filled my nostrils the moment we walked in this beautifully black and white decorated coffee shop. I followed Zoe as she walked over to the counter and there was a board written their different flavours that they served. Some lady walked passed with some delicious smelling danishes. Man Zoe was just trying to make me more fatter than I already was.

I was close to 6 months now and I was now  showing even my bump wasn't really that big but the nose was doing it job. Even a blind person could see I was pregnant.

"I want those." I said excitedly looking at Zoe. Of course she was the one paying. I didn't want to make no breakfast stop, me and her were suppose to drive to my parent's house. I was going over there to try and talk to my parents and just ask them for their forgiveness. We couldn't go on like this. I was about to have a baby and I would like for him to know both of his grandparents.

"We'll also have that." Zoe said to this woman who was smiling so cheerfully at us. Her smile was so contagious so we ended up smiling back at her. Zoe kept making small talks with her. I could see that they had some relationship. I took this time to look around this coffee shop and my eyes registered some women that were having a laugh together and I found myself smiling at that as I moved my eyes around some more. I saw some couples who looked so in love and of course business people who looked so serious as they stared at their laptops.

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