Chapter 13.

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A day that was meant to be an amazing day turned out to be awful even ended up with my friends fighting with the white folks to a point that police had to be called and had it not been for Jason and the guys we would have been arrested because duh it seemed like the policemen believed the white girls over us and these policemen were black to say I am perplexed would be an understatement because wow. So this is the Freedom they stay bragging about. Never being given a chance to tell your own side of the story because you're black and your accuser is white.

"Nokwanda!" Jason called out to me. I had just banged the car door as I sprinted to my building. "Nokwanda!" He kept yelling after me. "Leave me alone Jason." I wasn't shouting but I did want him to leave me alone. He has done enough for the day. I don't need him anywhere near me.

"What did I do this time!?" He was still yelling yet I am not yelling at him. I sucked my teeth as I continued walking inside my building. I pressed the up button on the elevator. "Kwah come on." That was Jason standing next to me. I could feel the tears fill my eyes but I refused to cry over something he did on purpose. He knew what type of people his friends were but he still brought me around them knowing they were about to disrespect,belittle and curse me out of my name because of my skin colour.

"Jason leave please." I quickly wiped my tears away. I needed to stop crying so much around otherwise he's going to think I am some weak ass human.

"This was a mistake." I said pointing between us. It hasn't even been 2 full days since we decided we were going to officially date and here we were. At the end already.

"No,no that's not fair Kwah. I didn't do anything. Your friends were the ones who attacked my friends." I looked at him in disbelief. I couldn't believe my ears when he said that.

"They had every right to hit them after being called the K word for the 100th time Jason!" I yelled this time. "I don't remember my friends calling your friends pigs or anything out of your names. You fuckin brought your ex girlfriend to disrespect me with your fuckin racist white friends that kept on adding to it!" My tears poured out after that. I couldn't believe how I had fooled myself by thinking this was going to work. We are too different and come from two different worlds. Our worlds are always going to collide harshly with each other.

"Kwah." He was now out of words when barely a second ago, he was defending his so called racist friends.
That was the elevator. I didn't say anything but just got in the elevator. We stared at each other as he stood still without saying another word to me. I decided to press my floor number and thank God I was going to be by myself in this elevator so I could cry in peace.

I swallowed a lump as I realized that this was the end of whatever we were trying to do. The lift slowly closed with our eyes still glued on another. I felt my tears fill my eyes and just like that they fell on down on my cheeks showing off for one last time to him.

He placed his hand on the little space that was left before the lift could completely close and stepped inside the lift. I didn't say anything but continued with my staring contest that I was having with his eyes. "Don't do this." He stepped even closer to me. "Please." I backed away from him but there was nowhere that I could run too since this lift is so small so yes I was stuck on this mirror wall of the lift. I looked at our reflection on this lift and I found myself wondering how could something that blend so good and beautifully together come across as disgusting to some people.

"Jason stop." I swallowed a lump this time and it might have been all the anger his female friends had me feeling but I could have sword,I heard my heart skip a beat. "Don't leave me." His hands grabbed on my face and I heard it again. The heart skipping a beat.

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