Chapter 16.

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I was busy tapping my fingers on this desk in here whilst Jason sat here being all calm as he always is whilst we waited for our Hiv results. I hadn't tested for this in a while so I knew I would never forgive myself if the results came out positive. I would be the one to blame right because white people do not have hiv or at least that's how the media be portraying the whole hiv stereotype. Black people were the carrier whilst white people were the clean ones. Why did he even have unprotected sex with me?

"Kwah you're going to break the table with all that force." Jason reached for my hand and that's how I moved my eyes to him. Why wasn't he freaking out? There is a huge possibility he could be positive. I mean even if he didn't get it from me but shouldn't he be scared? He did have sex with a black girl who was sleeping with a guy who was also sleeping with another girl so you know how the story goes. Surely intersections taught y'all guys a thing or two because clearly judging by my actions it has taught me nothing.

"Okay your test results are back." That was Dr Coetzee, He was Jason's doctor who I am very sure couldn't understand why Jason would risk his life like he just did with me. The doctor sat on his chair and laid down these files on his fancy desk. I began tapping my knees together. I was a nervous wreck. These files this man has could possibly break my relationship with Jason.

"I get it you guys can't help yourselves but both of you really need to be careful. No matter how much you guys trust each other. Safe sex is always the best." He seemed to genuinely care about Jason because hell I know that little speech was meant for him. He is the one who he wanted to be more careful when messing with black girls.

"It was a spur of a moment thing,we had been fighting and you know how the make up sex can get." The way I choked on my own saliva when Jason decided to over share what lead us here. I gave him this really look.

The doctor laughed lightly when he saw the look I was giving Jason which he just shrugged his shoulders innocently.

"I do get how the make up sex can get." This Dr really winked at Jason and they did this manly laugh. Okay I clearly might have misjudged this man before. He seems pretty cool and he wasn't judging me.

"Well back to business." he opened the files and we looked at him with so much anxiousness or more like I was the one who was anxious. Jason seemed pretty calm. "Well you both are HIV negative which is a good thing." I took this relieved sigh once he shared those news. Of course these were good news. Especially for me because we all know who would have been blamed had the results said the opposite.

"But you guys will have to come back after 3 months once the window period is over so we can do another one." The Dr said and we both nodded. Jason grabbed my hand and placed it on his lips and kept on kissing on my hand. It was like he was assuring me of something though I did not know what. "I told you, you had nothing to worry about." He smiled showing off his dimples. "Well we're only clean for the next 3 months. We might receive a different story when we come back." He kissed me as his hand now moved to my face. "You worry too much." He pecked my lips before he looked over to his doctor who was smiling at us. He didn't seem to be pissed off by this pair infront of him instead he seemed genuinely happy for Jason. So I guess race wasn't a factor to him. How I wish most people were like him

"Jason is right. Just relax and make sure you guys continue practicing safe sex." I was the one who looked at Jason with this 'I hope you're listening look'

"We shall do that Dr." We all stood up simultaneously before the men shook hands. "It was great meeting you Nokwanda." This time he shook my hand. I was really surprised at how he was handling the fact that me and Jason were a couple. "Same here Dr." I did a small smile. Jason wrapped his arm around my waist. He was clearly very territorial with me. The Dr released my hand and we said our goodbyes.
We decided to go to my apartment so I could get more clothes since this guy begged the whole way here for me to spend the night with him again. Clearly he couldn't get enough of this coochie. *wink* "Do you want something to eat?" I asked the minute we walked in my apartment. He wrapped an arm around my waist. "You." He sunk his face on my neck and began sucking on my neck as if the love scars he had left last night weren't enough. Had it not been for the power of make up, the whole world would be thinking I am in an abusive relationship.

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