Chapter 27

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Why do I feel so much rage yet so much love for this man standing in front of me. I should only be filled with hate for everything he has made me go through for the past few months. He left like I meant nothing to him, went off to marry his white dream wife and I was left here alone,scared,hurt,broken and every word that described sadness whilst he lived his dream life in that country with the horrible weather,no wonder his skin looks so pale.

"You said you weren't like him." Those words came out softly although in my head I was screaming them. I wanted to scream like a maniac so he could see how angry I am at him so he could see the fire he left in my heart but his presence wasn't allowing me to. I instead here with a beating heart but this was not a movie or some fuckin cheesy novel where the guy simply gets forgiven because he is main love interest for the main girl. If that was the case then I might as well go back to Vusi and live happily ever after with him.

"I was only trying to protect you."

"Protect me?" I kissed my lips when he said that because if that was the fuckin case than he should have fuckin protected me from him from the start. He should have never entered my life.

"Protect me? Protect me Jason!?" My voice rises up and that's when my friends rushed over to me like I was about to do any malicious thing to him but I wasn't. I am allowed my moment of anger. I should be livid and angry and every type of anger that is out there. He left me!

"Leave!" I shoved him but he made sure to balance because he didn't move. "I just want to talk please."

"I SAID FUCKIN LEAVE!" I screamed this time shoving him once again and this time he did move. "Ayi K." Thami grabbed on my waist but I pushed her off as I continued shoving Jason. I didn't need him here. "Kwah please. I just want to talk about the baby."

I swear I did a bitter laugh when he said that. I should have known that he only came here because I mentioned the baby to his beloved wife. He would have never came back for me. I don't mean shit to him.

"WHAT BABY? HE ISN'T YOURS!" I screamed that out as I tried putting my hands on him some but all of my friends were holding me like I was some type of animal and we were in the fuckin corridors and obviously were grabbing some attention from some of the tenants that lived nearby.

"Jason maybe you should leave." I heard Zoe say politely but she should be cussing him out not speaking to him like he is a decent human being because he is not and never will be.

"I have to talk to her." He looked like he wanted to cry but what the hell is he hurt about? I wasn't the one who abandoned him when he needed me. I wanted to stay with him despite him being sick. I wanted to love him.

"Jason you will speak to her once she is calm but for now please leave." That was Phiwe begging him and these ladies were angering me. "Let me go!" I wiggled so my friends could unprison me with their hands but they didn't budge. "Fine, I will come back some other time." His voice was soft but his eyes were not on me instead they were on Phiwe who nodded. He cleared his throat before he left. I watched him disappear into the elevator and the moment it closed. I felt the pain in my chest hit me so hard to a point that I stumbled to my knees and just like I let out this loud cry. I was in so much pain and this time I didn't even know for what. I couldn't even tell where was this pain coming from.

"Nokwanda eh eh." That was Thami pulling me into her arms, I heard Phiwe tell off the people that had our business their telenovela off but I couldn't care less what they think of me. I just wanted to cry Jason out of my system. I wanted to mourn him like he is a dead person like I should have 4 months ago. Why did it feel somebody just cut my heart out open and was standing over me watching me bleed to death? Could that have been God? Could he have been the one that has cut my heart open and was watching me bleed to death?

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