Chapter 37

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I ran to my bathroom and began knocking so Jason could open but he didn't and the panic got even more worse. I could feel my legs tremble as I looked around for something to break this door with but there was nothing and no matter how much I kept on slamming my tiny body against the door,it just wouldn't open. I carried on banging on the door harder hoping he at least answered back.

"JASON, JASON!" I screamed with tears flowing down my face as I kept banging on the door, my heart kept on beating like crazy. Was he dead in there? That thought alone had my emotions rush all over me and for a moment I lost my senses. I rushed to the lounge where I found my aunt pacing up and down with Cebo in her arms. I looked at Sandile who looked worried but clearly confused at what was going on here.

"Please I need you to kick my door down in the bathroom." My face was all messed up as I thought of the possibility of that man in my bathroom being dead. He couldn't die as yet. Sandile just nodded and got up from the couch.

"Please call his mum and his wife." I said to my aunt and she nodded. I rushed over to my bedroom and indeed Sandile kicked my door open and that's when I rushed in to find Jason on the floor unconscious, The toilet had so much blood that he clearly vomited. I rushed to check his pulse and he still had it.

"Jason. Jason it's me." I cried with my tears getting in my mouth. "Please." I just cried even more whilst touching his face. "I think we should rush him to the hospital." That was Sandile, he sounded scared for him like he could tell he was about to die if we didn't get him to the hospital.

"Please." I said staring at Jason's face,he looked at peace but the blood on his mouth made more tears gush out of my eyes as my heart broke at seeing the man I love so much lying so lifelessly in my arms.

Somebody else rushed in my room and it was my aunt accompanied by the paramedics.

"Daddy." That was Cebo which made me look towards him fast. "Daddy." He called out once again and that was when paramedics rushed over to him, I couldn't even move from him. I felt numb. I just wanted to scream at him. Beg him to not leave me. I don't deserve this. He couldn't leave me now.

"Hey baby,He's going to be okay." That was Sandile pulling me away from here so they could try and save Jason. My world felt like it was spinning fast. Like I was high on some molly and I couldn't feel nothing but the pain deeply rooted in my heart. I could hear  Cebo cry out for his father as my aunt rushed out of the bathroom with him. I wanted to comfort him and just promise him that he was going to be fine but how could I when I myself needed someone to assure me he was going to be fine. I stood a little distance as I watched the paramedics do whatever it was they were doing to keep him alive. Everything was silent. It was like I was watching some horror film on mute. I could see them say something but I couldn't hear them. It was only their lips that were moving.

My heart felt like it was holding it breath like I was at the moment. I don't even think it was beating at this very moment because I couldn't feel it. Matter of fact I couldn't feel anything except the dead silence that was telling me to prepare myself for the worst.

He was put on the stretcher and I watched them leave with him. I didn't move, I had gone on statue mode. My eyes stayed glued on the blood on my floor.

"Let go." I came back to reality when I felt Sandile grab on my hands. He pulled me towards where the paramedic were leading the way to.
We were at the hospital and both me and Sandile were sitting on the bench as we waited for someone to tell us something,it has been more than 4 hours since we got here, I am pretty sure it was going to midnight if it hadn't hit as yet.

"Kwanda!" I heard someone yell my name and I looked at who it was and it was none other than Austin and Greg. I quickly got up and when they got to me. We engaged in this tight group hug and my tears began.

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