Chapter 45

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Omniscient POV.
Everybody was now seated outside by the pool as they enjoyed their tender meat of course served with fancy salads that the ladies had made with so much love. All the guest were having fun and laughing about something with each other and for a moment they completely forgot that the people that were hosting them were nowhere to be seen. Of course the ladies had heard that the couple was busy making up which was why they moved everybody outside quickly but Mrs Botha had already had the unholy sounds being made by her son and his dear girlfriend but she played it off and just told herself she was going to tell them off when they were alone.

Meanwhile Jason and Kwanda were now in their bedroom where they had finished getting ready after having some explosive make up sex. Everytime they would have this kind of sex, Nokwanda always found herself wondering where did he get so much strength to do the things he be doing to her but she would find herself giggling to herself when she remembered how she got pregnant the first time around.

Right now she was busy tying her neatly done braids that Jason had ruined during their make up sex. She was looking at her reflection on this huge mirror in this room when Jason stood behind and placed a kiss on her hair. "You look beautiful. You have always been beautiful." He wrapped his arm around her neck, it was in a protective manner. That's all Jason has ever wanted to do for her. To protect her from everything but everytime he tried to do that he just ended up hurting her even more.

Nokwanda caught the frown from the mirror reflection and she wondered if he was still upset about the Sandile thing and that's how she found herself wondering if they were going to survive this or was this some goodbye sex that they just had? Was he going back to Emma because of this?

"Jason." She was looking at Jason through the mirror but he didn't say anything instead he just placed his mouth on her hair and just stared at her. One thing Jason knew was that he loved Nokwanda with all of his heart and every night he would make a silent prayer to God for him to save him so he could grow old with this woman.

"I love you." It seemed like he was assuring her and Nokwanda needed that assurance from him. She needed to know he wasn't about to leave her once again.

"I do as well."

Jason slowly turned her to face and once their eyes laid on each other. Everything made sense to both of them. The world seemed sweeter and the air always felt fresher and at times each of them wondered if the other felt this immense love or was it one sided and with Jason just knowing that Sandile seemed to be offering Nokwanda some safety made him feel unease like pretty soon Nokwanda was about to slip through his fingers.

Jason leaned closer to Nokwanda and pretty soon their lips met. He sometimes did wonder why he loved this girl this much? In his years of being on this ratchet earth he had never felt this way towards any woman and why would God give him this kind of love when his time was running so fast?

There was a knock on the door that made them pull away from each other with these huge smiles from both their faces.

"They're probably calling for us to join them?" He pecked her lips and took her hand and Nokwanda allowed her man to lead her. Yes she still felt the fear of how this could take a turn and she would once again wake up by herself, pregnant and alone whilst he ran off with Emma but there was also a part of her that told that she needed to trust him and that he loved her.

The whole way to the pool area,Austin was busy teasing them about constantly having sex and said that was the reason why Nokwanda was pregnant once again both they shrugged him off and just followed him to where everybody was.

"I see y'all had a wardrobe change." That was Bianca, she raised her left eyebrow looking at the intertwined hands between the couple but they played her looks off. "I'm going to sit with the girls." Nokwanda spoke softly trying to make her way to where the girls were sitting and she could tell they were having a very nice conversation at the laughs they were sharing including her sisters.

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