Chapter 1

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I had my volume on max singing along to the blazing sounds of Nasty C juice back.

"Man,man you should hate yourself,look into the mirror and nigga rate yourself,look at the shit that we doing,motivate yourself,brace yourself.I AIN'T GOT MY MOTHER FUCKIN JUICE BACK,I AIN'T GOT MY MOTHER FUCKIN JUICE BACK,I AIN'T GOT MY JUICE BACK,I AIN'T GOT MY MOTHER FUCKIN JUICE BACK,MOTHER FUCKIN Juice,juice." I now allowed Nasty C to take it away I would help here and there since I didn't know the lyrics that well but I swear this song is my turn up song and I'm really proud that our hip pop boys can now produce stuff like this,stuff that is classic.

I was on my way to the gateway mall to watch a movie with my best friends,I've been meaning to watch the minnions but I ain't never really got time so since today is my day off I decided I was gon watch a movie and just spend some quality time with my friends.

When I got to the mall,I parked my 2016 white polo vivo golf,my car was my baby.

I got out of my car and bent in the car to take my hand bag and my phone but only to hear whistles,I took my bag and my phone and now turning to see who the hell busy looking at my ass but only to see a group of white guys.

I didn't know monkeys were attractive to them.

I closed my door and just made my way inside the mall not giving these perverts my attention. They probably seeing a cheap ass black girl only good for the night.

When I got to the mall I made my way to the food court where my friends were waiting on me.

"Hey." I said sitting down next to Zoe.

"You late as usual." Thami said looking at her watch.

"My bad but the traffic is a nightmare." I lied but they both started laughing while shaking their heads at us.

"You such a bad liar." Phiwe said with a laugh standing up and taking her hand bag.

"I can't believe you making us watch an animated movie again,everytime we have to watch a movie with you,it has to be animated." Phiwe said but I laughed at her as we all got up and followed her to the ticket counter there was a few people infront of us so we had to wait in the line which was moving a little slow for me.

We were into our conversation just catching up when these guys stood behind us,they were conversing in Afrikaans so we couldn't really catch on to what they were saying,I studied in a township school where IsiZulu was the first language and English was an additional language,there was never any afrikaans so it's not that I don't understand the language because it's an apartheid or racist language but because I was never exposed to it.
Why am I explaining myself again?

"Why do you always zone out?" Thami nudged me but I laughed lightly. I space out all the time,it just happens.

"I'm sorry,you was saying something?" I asked as this line finally moved.

"I bumped into Sibahle at Musgrave mall,she was at my job and you won't believe this but she was wearing a ring on her ring finger,rumour has it that she and Vusi are engaged." She said but I laughed so hard and as much as Gateway is a noisy place but my voice seemed to echo all over this place or maybe it was just my ears.

"What's so funny?" Thami had a look of confusion and of sadness.

"Vusi would never do that to me." I shook my head no,I refused to believe that my boyfriend of 6 years was getting married to his side chick. He wouldn't do that to me.

"You guys have been broken up for over a year now K,He has moved on and maybe you need to do the same." Phiwe was the one who spoke up this time but I didn't say anything,my stomach just tightened up in a knot and that feeling like your dog..what am I saying? I hate dogs but you know that feeling when your phone dies without any warning and you feel like a volcano just swept through your heart killing every sort of happy emotions and only living everything in despair.
You all get my drift.

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