Chapter Eight

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Chapter warning: Contains graphic content

Wynn rides fast down the dirt road trying to get away as she holds the child close to her. She hears the loud screams of the army behind her.

"Find the overseer!"

She looks down at the child and holds him close as she rides faster down the road, but stops suddenly seeing the men before her. A man gets off his horse and Wynn tries to turn her horse eyeing the men behind her. The man steps forward smiling to the young lady and motions down.

"Come girl, no need to be stupid. Come down from the horse and let us deal with the child."

Wynn looks around her and yells out.

"This is the future heir to O'Sullivan clan. I am ordered by King Archibald to protect him. If you hurt this child, you declare war!"

The man laughs to himself as he looks over the young lady and yells out.

"Be a smart girl! You're just a servant is the child worth your life as well? Come down from the horse or I shall make you."

He draws out his sword and steps towards the young lady, who kicks her horse running towards the man and the man quickly cuts the horses legs sending the woman with the child in her hand flying off the horse. The baby screams out and the young lady holds the child tight as she looks over the men around her and the man steps forward.

"King Niall has ordered the child be dead as retribution for the crimes of your clan."

Wynn shakes her head screaming out as she holds the child tightly.

"He is just a child he has nothing to do with this, my lord!"

The man laughs looking down to the woman.

"you serve trash girl I will spare you, but the child's death will wash away our loss one child for hundreds of children. It is fair, girl."

He smacks the woman to the ground and tares the baby from her hands. Wynn shakes her heads hearing the child's screams and hears the man's voice.

"By order of the king, this child's death should bring close to the long bloody history of our clans. His death will wash away the grief and bring a new era to our monarchy. As say the king, and it shall be done!"

The men all repeat their lord agreeing.

"As say the king, and it shall be done!"

Wynn tires to get up, but she is knocked hard in the head losing consciousness. She awakens feeling her body pressed down and hearing breathing in her ear. Wynn tries to move but can't and feels hands gripping her own as she tries to scream out and feels the man press down upon her. She hears the man's voice huff in her ear and feels her hands held tightly in place above her head. Another man's voice booms out from the distance in a commanding tone.

"has she had her fill yet?"

Wynn blinks trying to stay conscious as the man presses down on her one last time and finally gets off her. She breaths out trying to catch her breath but watches another man walk over as she stares up at him and he smiles down at her asking.

"girl you shouldn't have given us trouble for this we will send you back to your clan tainted and battered"

He moves forward, and she screams out in pain as the man lays on top of her and he laughs in her ear taunting her.

"what a shame you made such a fine overseer, but no clan will take a taint like you now."

She feels the man press inside her and falls unconsciousness out of fear. She awakens hours later eyeing her naked body and the bruises that had now formed. Wynn gets up walking forward feeling her body in pain from the assault and eyes the road signs as she makes her way to O'Sullivan city. She holds herself as she walks the miles long journey and breaths in trying to ignore the cold and pain in her bones.

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