Chapter Seven

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The lore keeper stands there as he slowly writes stuff down on a piece of paper and shakes his head.

"This was not expected."

"but is it just?" the lore keeper stares up to ruck and the man nods.

"very much so. you are a Reaper and you consummated with the Queen before Alvis and therefore the Queen is your wife and not his."

Ruck smiles as he confirms with the lore keeper.

"then I am a king?" the lore keeper looks up concerned at the young man but nods confirming.

"aye, king Galvin.."

Ruck motions down and demands

"then mark it now. I am King Galvin the betrayer of brothers.."

"as you say but-"

"but?" Ruck turns his head and the man breaths out.

"we will, of course, take a few weeks to confirm your place in the Reapers, and among them-"

"I am king!" Ruck yells at the lore keeper and the man flinches at the raise in the man's voice as ruck demands.

"I own this monarchy, the queen has submitted and agreed. I am king and anyone who questions this rule..." ruck lowers his eyes and whispers.

"will die." ruck motions to the book.

"mark it, now." the lore keeper nervously writes down the name of the next king and glances up nodding. 

"it is marked."

"good and do not question my rule again." the queen steps in and motions to the lore keeper.

"is it done?"

"Yes, Queen."

"good." the lore keeper gets up and ruck motions to his ring and the lore keeper bends kissing it. he leaves quickly afraid of the man. the queen looks after him.

"you didn't have to scare the poor man."

"I have to show power, to show I am not weak or a child."

"what of Alvis ?"

"sent to torture for now and when he submits he will be placed back out on the Reapers where he belongs."

"you plan to release him?" The queen asks sounding concerned.

"he didn't want this anyway and releasing him will be a good mark. it will show I can be forgiving and loving."

"good, that sounds good." a few guards step in and ruck asks.

"What is this?"

"security." She motions to ruck and ruck asks sounding worried.


"ruck." she grins as she stares over her younger brother.

"you will always be jus a peasant even as a king no one knows who you are and no one cares. people are already calling it the Queen's monarchy. you will live a long and healthy life, with gold, whores and all you desire. you will provide me with heirs and you will raise them like a good peasant." she runs her hand on his face and motions to the guards.

"take him to a room. I will come by later."

Ruck shakes his head disagreeing.

"I am king!"

"nobody cares, ruck." she motions to the guards and they grip ruck and pull him down the hall as he screams at her.


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