Chapter Thirty-Three

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Lord Galvin sits upon his horse feeling Maci's head push back into his body as he eyes the top of her head. she pushes back tired from the long ride but he stops his horse as his peasants come to a stop before him. he brings his horse forward remaining quiet as he stares over the scene of the charred land. He remains quiet bringing his horse further forward and hears his peasants whispering to each other.

"what, what do you think happened?"

"a war?"

"a massacre?"

Galvin places up his hands silencing his men as he brings his horse further forward eyeing the scene and takes in the sight of the small group of villages. he eyes the bodies as he directs his horse around them and is careful not to wake the sleeping girl sharing his horse. finally, he brings his horse to a stop and eyes the tall flag raised and hears one of his peasants.

"clan Galvin?"

Alvis scratches the back of his head taking in the sight of his family crest and motions to his peasants silencing their whispers.

"no, no this is deceit, lies."

the peasant from his own clan brings his horse up next to his lord and comments staring at his lord.

"it, well sir, it wouldn't be out of character your father does like to set examples."

Alvis turns back angry at the man.

"no, not like this, this scale isn't like us."

his peasant comment staring at his master.

"sir you haven't been to Galvin in almost two years after the incident. do you really know what your father would do?"

Alvis grows angry and the peasant notices bowing his head as he whispers.

"sorry, my lord."

The peasant remains at his master's side and Glavin motions to the man as he nods.

"it's fine I know you only mean well but I won't have this."

he motions to the flag demanding.

"remove it at once!"

the peasant gets to the flag touching the pool but he hears a hissing sound and feels his hands sting in agony. he pulls his hands away and eyes the bloody burns and looks up to his master and back down.

"sire, this is a true Galvin flag..."

he holds up his hands and Alvis eyes the burnt G's into the peasant's hands and jilts his horse waking the girl in front of him. She awakens eyeing the scene before her and asks.

"what, what happened?"

Alvis places his hand on the girl's head soothing her as he whispers.

"do not concern yourself. it is nothing to worry about."

Maci pushes her head back and stares up to Alvis as he motions forward to his slaves.

"forward, we move to Nair city and report this."

His peasants move their cart forward and he jilts the horse moving way from the burnt land and rides towards the mountain. they come to a stop at the Nair border and eyeing the soldiers standing still. A soldier approaches Galvin and the peasants and motions forward.

"aye lord Galvin welcome to Nair village we were expecting you yesterday."

Galvin nods, motions back to the road and comments as his peasants roll the cart into the village.

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