Chapter Thirty-Two

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A teen bursts through the door laughing and Alvis looks up eyeing the boy in a black suit as the teen yells out.

"Galvin!" the boy stumbles drunkenly and Alvis drapes his arm around lady Bullard who stis there with him as Alvis nods to the boy.

"Sebastian Cullen..."

the boy drunkenly moves forward and motions back as a group of half-naked women walk in and he yells.

"I brought some party favors. what is a plateau party without some Cullen whores..."

Alvis shifts and lady Bullard sits there uncomfortable as Sebastian Cullen turns his head and motions to the girl noticing her.

"oh, I did not realize we had a new lady this year. what clan do you hail from, my beautiful lady." Alvis shifts his eyes and speaks for her.

"This is lady Bullard of the east."

"of the east? I don't think we know that one, not a well-known clan I presume."

"we, we are not wealthy." lady Bullard shrugs her shoulders and Lord Cullen turns his head as he states 

"no you surely are, my lady. there are no poor ladies or lords in the monarchy just poor finances." Sebastian plops down next to her and motions to her with his head as he pops open a bottle of expensive wine and motions to her again as he speaks slyly.

"what you need my lovely lady Bullard is a dose of a fine plateau man. we Cullen's have a wide selection of fine plateau men, paid for by the Galvin of course..."

"oh is it?" Alvis says angry and Lord Cullen motions to him.

"Surely you can't expect me to pay my own clan and these beautiful, beautiful fine creatures.." Lord Cullen motions to the half-naked women and back to Alvis.

"are an early birthday gift to you."

"so I'm praying for my own gifts?" Alvis turns his head and lord Cullen shrugs.

"I didn't think that far ahead-" a voice yells out walking into the room and the girl fixes her hair as she stares over the girls and turns towards Lord Cullen.

"you are disgusting bash you know that..."

"oh, my lovely O'Donald. still alive?" she crosses her arms and turns to Alvis leaning over kissing him on the cheek.

"it's been almost a year Alvis, how are things?" Alvis shifts his eyes and leans forward stealing a wine bottle as the O'Donald girl nods her head.

"that good then?"  she takes the wine and sits down next to Alvis between him and the other girl as she nods to the girl ignoring her and Lord Cullen motions to her.

"you know I heard the O'Donalds were slaughtered, how are you here?"

"I was on the plateau but my brothers were not so lucky. by the way, it was the Galvins..." she turns and Alvis shrugs his shoulders.

"don't look at me, I don't lead those kinds of things."

"really so you couldn't just call and be like hey we use to date I somewhat care maybe just a hi your whole family may be murdered today.." Alvis shrugs his shoulders and Lord Cullen motions to her.

"Just a thought here O'Donald pretty sure Alvis doesn't give a shit." Lord Cullen takes the wine from her and whispers.

"that's mine." she turns her head annoyed and Lord Cullen sits back and motions to lady Bullard.

"by the way, this is lady Bullard from a very wealthy family in the east who make very poor financial choices.."

"oh, kind of like yours Cullen..."

 "no, see my family is one of the wealthiest in Galvin. see I have the nickname the whoremongerer..."

"no you don't..." lady O'Donald steals the wine from him and he looks up as he motions to lady Bullard.

"I do because my family if you don't know, are responsible for providing every overseer in the monarchy."

"Your family are sex traffickers..." Lady O'Donald states and Lord Cullen shakes his head disagreeing.

"no, no we buy women, we sell women and we provide them to the kingdoms..."

"that is literally the definition of sex trafficking Bash..." lord Cullen shakes his head and states outright.

"what you do, what you filthy O'Donald's do is sex trafficking. we give women poor defenseless women a better life."

Lady Bullard sits there uncomfortably and Alvis interrupts quieting them down.

"enough business talk" they both quiet down and Alvis motions to the drinks.

"at least share what you're charging me, Bash..." Lord Cullen hands Alvis the wine and he takes a sip as he motions to lady Bullard.

"in case you aren't aware this is lord Cullen of the Cullen clan of Galvin and this is lady O'Donald their families are kind of in a war..."

"well not anymore.." lord Cullen motions to Alvis and grins as lady O'Donald yells sounding upset  

"screw you..."

"oh, now we don't want to go and do that again lady O'Donald..." Cullen comments as he winks to lady Bullard and lady O'Donald storms off as Alvis stares after her and motions to bash.

"Why do you always have to take it a step too far."

"hardly a step." lord Cullen plops down next to lady Bullard and stares her over.

"may I say you are a fine choice of companionship for lord Alvis. will there be a wedding and hopefully this time a consumation.." lord Cullen motions to Alvis and Alvis shakes his head as he sits back.

"and where is your date?" Alvis asks and Cullen motions to all the half-naked women.

"I will have my pick."

"nonsense I will have tons of Galvin business perhaps you can keep lady Bullard here company when I attend to it."


"Bash..." Alvis motions to his friend and bash sits back as he eyes the Bullard over and nods his head.

"How could I say no to the prince of Galvin?"

"you can't..."  Alvis states and Lady Bullard motions to Alvis.

"This is not necessary I can handle being alone."

"nonsense." bash motions to her with a sly smile and raises the open wine bottle as he comments and takes a swig. he swallows and stares her down. 

"what gentlemen would I be to leave a lady of your Calabar all alone.." he holds out the wine and motions to it.

"Besides we need to make the other ladies and lords jealous.." bash winks to her and she giggles as Alvis turns his head and motions to bash who follows behind him. he nods to bash and asks sounding concerned.

"look after her."

"I almost didn't know the name but Bullard as in General Bullard, king Dorian's first general?"

Bash rubs his face and glances over Alvis as he asks.

"Is this your idea or the true king?"

"ruck wanted to make a statement. he felt bringing a Bullard here would anger the council."

"surely it will anger everyone, the Bullards stole a lot of Dorian's money. you know I never got why Dorian didn't kill him."

"my father never made much sense and it is far too late to ask him."

"yes, but he killed everyone. why not the General?" Lord Cullen motions to his friend and Alvis shrugs his shoulders but state firmly.

"I expect you to keep an eye on her "

"I have to babysit her?" Lord Cullen asks sounding annoyed and Alvis motions to his friend as he whispers.

"you can barely keep your eyes off her I figure it won't be too hard for you."

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