Chapter Forty-Two

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Archibald sits there on his throne hearing the man's voice

"The dark death keeps pushing and moving we are trying to track it.  the last it was seen was in Nair territory and per the agreement cranes cannot go in that land again"

Archibald nods agreeing and motions to the man

"Pull our army back. I don't wish to worry my cousins with crane prescence in the area."

"As you say king" the man walks away and a voice speaks up lowly form a distance

"Husband." The girl says sounding uncomfortable with the word and archibald looks to his right at the simmering red haired girl and runs his eyes over her. She shifts uncomfortable under his gaze but he gets to his feet and strolls over to her

"What is wrong my wife?"

She stutters over her words feeling worried under his glare "I, I have been thinking and-"

"Thinking?" He laughs out a bit amused by her and she shifts as she asks

"Why do you hate me so much?" She says seriously and Archibald turns his head staring her over as he tells her the truth

"I'll show you." He motions for her to follow and she does worried and afraid of the man and how powerful he is. They enter his chambers and he closes the door over. She stands there watching him unbutton his shirt and she speaks fast

"I, I don't think I'm ready for that" he smirks up to her and slowly takes off the jacket, and shirt revealing his scard up body to his wife" she steps back surprised at the sight  and he comments to her

"This is what the cranes did to me"

"The, the cranes ?" She says not believing and Archibald sits back into a chair as he nods to his wife

"This is why I conquered them why j was relentless why I don't regret the murders and the cruelty. the cranes were monsters to me"

He picks up his shirt and jacket and tosses his shirt back on as she eyes the scars disappear. Archibald whispers to her as he glances her over

"You are a crane. my heart burns with so much hate for your cranes but now I am your king, your king" he says again with a laugh and steps forward. She steps back and he whispered asking

"Now you all are afraid of me aren't you? The wicked, vile monster who coquered the Crane's and I did it with my bare hands." he tightens his hands into fists smiling at his wife as he motions to her

"But you you are my wife. do you understand that?"

He grips her face softly and she flinches afraid as he nods to her and lowers his voice sounding sweet

"You will provide my heirs. I took you from laying on your back to ruling the cranes they are your people." He rubs her face and leans down and kisses her causing her to shake but she doesn't resists. He pulls back and eyes her over as he asks

"You are afraid of me?"

"Very." She says honestly and his lips pop into a smirk as he nods to her

"Than you are smart" he taps her lips with his finger and she stands still afraid and he motions to the door.

"You can leave." She calms and walks by him out the door and down the hall jogging and comes to a room, opens the door and eyes her father. He turns seeing his shaken daughter and asks her sounding worried

"Did he hurt you?"

"No but I feel like any day now he will just have his way and I won't be able to stop him" she sits down into a chair nervously and he motions to the bed.

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