Chapter Twenty-Four

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Lady Galvin steps into the room and stands there still eyeing ruck in bed with a woman and eyes his naked body and the girls she stands there still her hand shaking as she outright yells.

"RUCK!" she screams his name and he turns back staring the girl down as he demands.

"get out!" he demands again yelling to her.

"Sophia, out!" she stands there crossing her arms as she asks sounding upset.

'why?" she yells at him and he again screams.

"get out!" she turns slamming the door behind her and ruck lays there with lady wynn under him and she asks him.

"Should I leave?"

"no..." he leans forward kissing the girl and she smiles into the kiss as she asks.

"will she be okay?"

"she is the queen." ruck states outright and rolls off of lady wynn as she rests her head on his shoulder and he holds her to him and she whispers.

"you are her husband."

"yes." He says it firmly and lady wynn stares over the good looking young king and asks him outright.

"you really do not find her attractive?"

"It is complicated." ruck states and motions to lady wynn.

"Please keep this between us."

"you are the king I am not stupid enough to speak to anyone about this. I don't wish to be hung."

ruck rolls out of the bed and puts his clothing on slowly but stops thinking of something and turns back.

"I did not order Knox to purge the clan..." he thinks over the words and motions to lady wynn as he states.

"But I want to know who did." he puts on his shirt leaving the buttons open and she turns her head staring him down as he turns back to her.

"I will see you tomorrow." he motions back to her demanding.

"I expect you to be gone before I come back."

"aye." she lays there in bed and ruck leaves her alone walking down the hall. he opens the door and eyes, Lady Galvin, sitting on her bed with her back to him. he slowly crawls up to her side and places his hand on her back remaining quiet. he hears her voice through sobs.

"why would you do this to me?"

Ruck remains quiet and she turns facing him as she whispers.

"am I not good enough?" he brushes his hand on her face and whispers to her.

"it is not that-" she rubs his hand as he holds it to her face and she asks sounding upset.

"what is it?" he turns his head and stares her down and she asks voice shaking.

"tell me..." she whispers and leans forward kissing her husband and asks again begging him.

"tell me..."

"I don't feel challenged by you." he states and stares her down as she turns her head confused.


"yes it is too predictable, too boring." ruck states outright and the girl turns staring her husband down as she asks.

"then tell me what to do-"

"you should know what to do!" he yells at her and she turns back facing away from him as he rubs his temples and whispers.

"you are my queen I promise that will never change."

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