Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Edmond stands there outside the large chamber doors and fixes his white suit as the robot nods to him and he steps inside hearing the large doors shut behind him. he eyes the older men in white suits and sits comfortably in a chair as one man motions to him.

"Lord Galvin."

"I prefer O'Sullivan as that is who raised me."

"yes, yes but you are the firstborn Galvin so at this meeting you are a Galvin." the older man sitting across on the far end of the table eyes over Edmond and states outright.

"We are here to discuss the true king."

"is the true king aware of this?" Edmond asks sounding concerned and the older man shakes his head.

"no, he is not."

"then why would you think I wish to partake in this treachery against the one true king?"

"he has murdered a council member"

"did the member deserve it?" Edmond says amused that ruck killed one of the old men and the older man shakes his head.

"he was a council member, an elder. you know very well that sort of behavior is unbecoming of a young king."

"your, can I repeat myself, your young king. ruck is your true king as he is all of ours. if your member overstepped himself he got what was coming, didn't he?"

"you are the elder brother here Edmond. your word is as powerful as the king. we need to speak to an even-tempered Galvin, a mature Galvin"

"I am O"Sullivan"

"Edmond..." the older man crosses his hands over some paperwork and stares down the king as he continues speaking.

"you are the firstborn and your job is to keep the others inline. Even if you do not sit on that throne you are the closes to it..."

"But I am not on it and the true king, ruck, he is on it. you need to get off your high towers and notice him, he wants recognition, and he is your king." 

"The council is not convinced of such a king. A peasant, a nothing and now a king? it is causing unrest in the peasants they are dreaming bigger, reaching higher, and wanting more. in these times Edmond you know very well that kind of want is dangerous..."

"yes, it must be really hard to think you may have to clean your own messes. what would you ever do if you had to pick up your messes in your mansions and estates..." Edmond leans forward mocking the older men and the man sits back stating firmly.

"do not act like you are better Edmond. you enjoy the luxury as do we. you may not want to admit but your luxury is quite an extravagant lifestyle, Edmond. should we go through your monthly spending?" the man holds up a stack of papers and Edmond sits back annoyed with the man as the man comments.

"you are the highest spending Galvin son, not even Avlis spends this type of careless money on his excursions..." Edmond grins wide and the man sits back, crossing his arms as he states.

"This is why when the proclamation is up for revote in a month you will ensure you are on the right side this time."

Edmond turns his head as he asks sounding mad. 

"why would it need a revote?"

"you very well know why. we have a new sitting king we need to see if it will hold up in his monarchy and we are very aware of how you stepped in to protect the old Queen."

"you couldn't expect me to allow her to have her memory wiped."

"no, in fact, we felt you acted rationally and well-tempered.  the council appreciates you helping her but that being said this will still need to be passed again. if you wish to move forward with your plan."

"my plan? what makes you think I have a plan?"

"We see all Edmond. you wish to put her back on the throne do you not? You also hope to push for a more progressive monarchy?"

"that is a very bold accusation. almost as if you're insinuating that I am pushing for a revolution..."

"We know you are." Edmond rubs his face nervously and the older man stares him down as he asks.

"The question you have to ask yourself, Edmond, is do you want the Galvin backing and funding in this revolution of yours?"

"Why would the Galvins back me?"

"we back you for the throne."

"you want me on the throne?" Edmond lifts his eyes and the Galvin nods to him.

"We believe you would be exactly what is needed right now. you will give hope for a better future  but at the same time you would not actually change anything because that wouldn't benefit you."

"you want me to take the throne but not do anything with it?"

"Not that you won't do anything it's just that doing something would, in turn, hurt you and your lifestyle."

"you don't think I would sacrifice for my people, my clan, this monarchy?" Edmond asks sounding upset and the man sits back as he stares down Edmond sure of himself.

"at the end of the day Edmond you are a Galvin. even if you don't wish to call yourself it. we all know deep down you will do the right thing for your clan, your real clan."

the man glances up and Edmond sits back feeling defeated as the man states sounding sure of himself.

"you are the firstborn after all and with that Edmond you know comes..." the man clears his throat and continues "well it comes with certain advantages, immortal advantages for not just you but your wife, your love...."

"you bribe me with the life of my wife?" Edmond says sounding upset and the man sits back smiling as he states outright.

"no, we promise you the full extent of the Galvin advantage. one we much rather bestow to you than the current true king."

Edmond sits there contemplating what they say and the man leans forward staring the king down as he taps the papers under his hand and states.

"We have the power to make this happen but we need your support. the firstborn support will gain us the rest."

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