Chapter Thirty-Seven

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The fields burn bright and Knox sits there in full Galvin armor hearing the voice

"burn them, burn them all!" he turns back lifting his large sword and points back at the dark death 

"We ride!" he eyes O'Sullivan city gates and screams out 

"to the burning lands!" the army veers off away from the city and off into the burning lands.


King Dalt sits on his throne hearing the man

"We spotted them the dark death nearby"

"as I hear they rode out past the line-"

"to the burning lands. it is forbidden out there. no one comes back the same or most don't come back at all."

Dalt leans forward curious 

"what are the burning lands?"

"from the old wars land that was ravaged by radiation, and burnt buildings. the damage so hot and so severe that the lands never stop burning."

The lore keeper looks to his king and Dalt turns his head not believing him as he speaks firm.

"sounds like tall tales."

"it is a forbidden area only the Galvins walk."

"what makes the Galvins so special?"

the lore keeper lets out a laugh and the king turns his head speaking firm.

"I'm curious the land kills many so why does it not kill the Galvins?"

"they have access to the technology of the old ways." the lore keeper speaks freely and motions to Dalt.

"as you know it is illegal for any other clans to use such devices."

"are their any records to what was there, what once stood?"

"that is classified. I am sure in the Galvin archives on the plateau."

Dalt sits there and motions to the lore keeper.

"we will open our gates. I wish to speak with Edmond as soon as possible, send a runner to Nolan city."

"I am unsure sire if it wise to have Edmond come here with the dark death so close."

"he will not. I will be going there," Dalt says sure of himself and the lore keeper bows his head as he speaks.

"is that wise? this city may be under siege."

"the dark death is lead by humans who know the ways. they would not attack this city they would be stupid to do so."

"as you say king." the lore keeper keeps his head bowed and Dalt walks by him leaving him alone.


Knox's army stops on a mountain overlooking the remains of a once-great city. he eyes the old skyscrapers and turns his head hearing a voice.

"Lord Galvin, what is it we are here for?"

"I want this area guarded against scavengers and all else. no one will interrupt the Galvin's investigation."

"As you say lord glavin.." the horses spread out and Knox trots through the city slowly on his horse. He eyes the wrecks and stops at a building eyeing the large hung flags. he turns his head eyeing the symbol and whispers.

"What clan are you?" he gets off his horse and walks into the building eyeing the old structure. he stops eyeing the pictures on the wall of the old city and turns back to a large stairwell making his way forward. Knox stops inside coming up to an old tv screen and turns his head leaning down so he can press a button. he eyes the date and notices the last one and presses it eyeing the man speak.

"They called themselves Galvins, they appeared human but do not let it fool you they are not human, and they are not friendly. their missions are to kill us all, to suck this world dry, the Galvins are the enemy. Blades do not cut them, guns do not stop them, they raise our dead against us and make us slaughter our brothers, and our families..." the man cuts out and shifts back in as he speaks firmly "they have given us an option we can surrender or we can fight."

his figure shifts and Knox turns eyeing the hologram next to him as it stares him down and speaks firmly 

"we will continue the fight Galvin as long as the memories remain and the clans pass it down the fight will never end. we will defend our fallen  and we will hold the plateau."

the image shimmers and appears as Knox comments to himself laughing out.

"how'd that work for you?"  he presses a button and releases the disc eyeing it and shoves it into his pocket getting rid of the evidence. he goes to walk down the stairs but hears a loud screeching and loses his footing falling down the flight of stairs and lands on his back whispering

"shit." he feels his insides burn and hears an alarm continue to sound as he whispers

"What is this?" he closes his eyes and sees the figure as it speaks to him "their weapons they try and defeat us still but we are their masters now. we own this world." the figure shifts and Knox asks sounding upset

"what are we?" 

he breaths out heavily feeling a hand on his arm, the figure disappears and the man looks down gripping onto his arm

"Lord Galvin?" he breaths out catching his breath feeling like he suffocated and the man nods down speaking "we killed the alarm." he takes a deep breath and whispers "what was that?"

"We are unsure Lord Galvin it only affected you." 

Knox takes a deep breath and is helped up by two Galvin knights. he glances around and whispers.

"let's not come back here. we ride to Galvin city."

Knox gets back up on his horse taking a deep breath and eyes the old flag as he turns his horse and rides off back in the direction out of the burning lands


Dalt sits there on his throne hearing the mans' voice.

"they disappeared into the burning lands."

"and have they come out-" aa man runs in yelling

"they, they sire, they burned two villages."

"of what clan?"

"it was a smaller clan very few remained from the wars with the Crane's, innocent people, and the dark death raged through it."

"send some considers we open our gates today te O'Sullivans reenter the world."

the man bows his head hearing his king and whispers to him.

"thank you, lord O'Sullivan."

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