Chapter Four

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Alvis stands still in front of a mirror and sees flashes from behind him of the camera and hears the reporter ask sounding intrigued.

"How will you run this monarchy compared to your father?"

"This is not my monarchy to rule, this is the queens."

the reporter's face shifts surprised as he states.

"the rule of marriage is pretty straightforward. the husband will take his wife's kingdom is it not true of the Galvins?"

"my sister rules her own kingdom as it should be-"

"Does this mean a change in the monarchy for women's rights?"

"of course not." Knox walks in fixing his clothes as he eyes the shimmering navy blue mixed with gold and turns his head examining himself in the mirror. the reporter stares over Knox turning his head and asks.

"but a female running the whole monarchy is very progressive."

"women's rights have been absolute for centuries on the plateau-" Knox motions to the reporter.

"We aren't on the plateau. Prince Galvin..." The reporter nods to Knox and Knox turns his head amused at the reporter but turns back fixing his clothes as he asks.

"who do you think decides on the laws of the plateau?"

"the ruling government of course." the reporter nods sure of his answer.

"and the patches that the government soldiers wear belong to which clan?"

The reporter thinks carefully and Knox laughs out as he whispers.

"The Galvin's, of course, come on now you people aren't that stupid and docile are you?"

"Knox..." Alvis shifts his eyes angered at his brother loose lips and Knox motions to Alvis.

"We own all the land. we only allowed the O'Sullivans to expand to this island and then they got all mad when we raised taxes on our own land. they got mad at us?" Alvis turns to Knox who quiets down and motions to his brother.

"that's enough..." the reporter eyes the two brothers and Knox takes out his sword and jams it into the reporter's head as he motions to Alvis.  

"relax brother I wasn't going to let him live with that much detail."

the door opens and the old peasant of Alvis walks in as Knox turns his head eyeing over the man's fine clothing and asks.

"your peasant is your best man?"

Alvis turns his head and Knox asks.

"not me?"

"we barely interacted in years except for business and I wasn't invited to your wedding-"

"well, I took my bride the old way..." Knox grins wide and Alvis turns disgusted by his brother and Knox eyes shift to his brother's peasant as he asks.

"so you got a title now, what is it?"

"Reaper's hand..." Alvis answeres and Knox turn his head.

"you trust a boy born so poor that when his mother had to whore herself-"

"he keeps his mouth shut when he has to, unlike a Galvin I know..." Alvis motions to Knox and Knox turn his head as he asks the peasant.

"and what kind of secrets I wonder do you and my brother share, huh?" Knox turns his head staring down the peasant boy as he eyes over the fine navy and gold of the Galvin clan and whispers.

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