Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Lady Hannah walks towards the large estate eyeing the large skyscrapers and hugs the long cloth to herself as she walks up to the door ringing the bell. She eyes the large home and the door opens as she lowers her hood and announces herself.

"Lady Hannah Nolan. I am here to see Edmond O'Sullivan."

The woman steps aside and lady Hannah walks in eyeing the large estate as the woman motions to a large room eyeing the two men in military attire standing on each side of the room. The men hold machine guns tightly in their grip and she examines their odd attire and notices the clan symbol of the O'Sullivan's on their odd uniforms.

"sit in the chair and keep your hands visible my lady."

The woman walks away and Hannah stares around the room feeling her hands shake as she comes to terms with what she has seen on the plateau. She feels her hands shake hard as she breaths out trying to keep herself calm as she hears voices from upstairs and stands from her seat eyeing her small son run towards her.


She hugs him tightly to herself and glances up eyeing Edmond standing tall in a suit as she stares him down eyeing his odd clothing and hairstyle. She looks down eyeing her son as she comments unsure of what she is seeing.

"what is this, clothing?"

Edmond motions to the couch and pulls his son back to him as he comments.

"son, why not go play upstairs."

His son glances up and Edmond nods to him as he states.


Edmond motions to the steps and his son goes up the stairs. Hannah's son glances back to his mother as Edmond motions with his head.


His son stomps up the stairs and Edmond rolls his eyes as he smiles.

"he has his mother's temper."

Edmond licks his lips as he motions to the couch.

"sit Hannah"

She looks around at the strange furniture and Edmond in his strange outfit as she comments.

"what is this? where is this?"

Edmond motions to the couch and nods to the girl.

"sit, calm yourself girl."

Lady Hannah sits rubbing her hands on her dress eyeing the large room and feels herself shaking as she asks.

"what, what is this?"

She feels herself grow sad and Edmond comes up to her side rubbing her back as she demands.

"why have you kept him here, from me?"

Lady Hannah shakes her head rubbing her eyes and she demands.

"a boy needs his mother."

Edmond stands and reaches into his pocket holding out a handkerchief to the woman as he motions.

"wipe your tears."

She takes the cloth wiping her tears as she asks.

"may I take my son home?"

Edmond lifts his head and she stares him down asking.


Lady Hannah stares him down and Edmond shakes his head.

"you may not."

She stands, staring down Edmond as she raises her hands and pounds them against his chest in anger.

"he is my son!"

Edmond stands still and she stops hugging onto him as she begins crying and looks by her husband at her son sitting on the steps. She goes to walk forward, but Edmond steps in front of her shaking his head.

"you cannot."

Lady Hannah looks over Edmond and reaches up kissing him hard as he stands still gripping his hands around her waist as he speaks.

"I won't let my son go there."

Edmond stares down Hannah and she stares back at him as she bends to her knees and whispers.

"Crane plans to betray you and take the blade of old."

Hannah stays quiet and Edmond nods his head understanding as he speaks firm.

"he can try."

Lady Hannah stares down Edmond and continues her speech.

"he has control of the Crane and Nolan clans, but if Jaxon were to return with me he could take the throne as the rightful heir-"

Edmond interrupts her.

"he will not and we will not speak of this further. you are welcome to stay the night and see your son, but after the sun comes you will leave and go to your husband as a lady should."

Hannah eyes Edmond turn and walk by his son as he places his hand patting his son on the head and Jax stares down his mother. Hannah comes up to her son sitting on the large stairwell next to him and remains quiet as she stares forward. She thinks to herself and motions up the stairs to her son.

"go play son."

The boy hugs her and runs up the stairs as Hannah sits for a few minutes thinking to herself and walks up the stairs and down a long hall. She eyes all the pictures of the kings before Edmond and stops at a door opening it. Lady Hannah enters the room and shuts the door behind her as she eyes Edmond laying on the bed and he shifts eyeing her over as she nods to him. He lays back and lady Hannah slowly undoes her dress as Edmond speaks.

"do not."

She drops her dress to the floor and walks to Edmond naked as he stares up at her and shakes his head.

"your married my lady-"

She nods crawling up on top of Edmond as she stares him down and comments.

"to the wrong man."

Hannah leans down inches away from his lips and questions him.

"why did you say no to me?  do you not love me?"

Hannah takes Edmond's hand placing it on her breast as she makes him touch her and he stares her naked body over as he states.

"still beautiful as the day I met you."

He pulls her down and she smiles at him as he kisses her deeply and she kisses him back. She pulls back and stares over him as he runs his hands along her body. Lady Hannah sighs out as Edmond smiles to himself and she whispers into a kiss.

"I love you."

He kisses her back and stares her over as he whispers back to her.

"I love you too."

She leans forward kissing him hard as she feels his hands run along her body. She hums out into his ear and he laughs feeling her hands run along him as well. Hannah shifts in bed eyeing Edmond naked next to her and she presses against him slowly taking out a small device and jams it into his neck whispering.

"I am sorry."

Edmond slowly passes out and she gets out of bed quickly placing her clothes on and leaving the room closing the door over softly. She stands there eyeing the AI staring her down and she walks off glancing between the rooms finally finding her sons. She walks up to him and puts her hand on his back waking him by softly whispering.


He shifts rubbing his eyes as she whispers to him.

"time to go."

Jax shifts asking unsure.


His mother nods to him helping the boy out of bed as she whispers.


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