Chapter Sixteen

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Young lady Galvin stands there feeling the heavy crown placed on her head and hears the overseer.

"no, no, no, eyes up girl, up. keep them directed at your future, your king." young lady Galvin keeps her face positioned up and chin straight as the overseer nods.

"yes, yes, don't forget your curtsey either. one wrong step and who knows like Dorian he could replace you with some other."

the girl turns eyeing the jewels lining her dress and her large crown towering in purple and gold. she bites her lip eyeing it over and feels her hands shake as she whispers.

"you are the true king, the true king ruck." she nods her head closing her eyes and the overseer whispers.

"that sounds good girl, convincing. Galvin men do love to be convinced."

the door opens and Alvis walks in standing behind her and glances his sister once over as she turns back.


"ruck-the true king has asked me to be your escort down the aisle."

Alvis walks up placing up his arm to his younger sister and she grabs his wrist as he nods to her.

"I will lead." they walk slowly out the door and through the halls of the castle as the peasants line the halls staring down the soon to be queen. they slowly get to a knee as she passes them by not daring to look up. Alvis remains still not speaking and finally gets to the large garden walking her out. he eyes the empty area and speaks firm.

"he did not invite any kings or queens?"

Alvis lifts up her vail and she speaks firm.

"why would he? he's been a mockery of everyone for years including you, Alvis. they didn't value him as a peasant why would they as a king?" she asks and turns towards the true king and nods her head as she walks up to him and stops before him bowing her head and speaks softly.

"the true king it is my honor." ruck helps her up the two small steps and Alvis sits down in a chair watching the interaction. ruck lifts his eyes and stares down Alvis for a second and then turns to his soon to be wife. 

"I am glad you came." he says sounding nervous and she lifts her eyes.

"who would be crazy enough not to? you are the true king, ruck" the young lady Galvin replies and ruck lowers his eyes but hears the room pile in as a few Galvin siblings sit. he glances out at them as they nod towards their king. the reapers all sit most behind Alvis and ruck turns his head as Alvis nods to his brother showing the man respect. ruck turns back and then to the person in charge.

"this happens behind closed doors, does it not?" the man in charge of the wedding nods to the king and motions back.

"this way."

they walk out following the man behind closed doors and the man turns back as he speaks.

"the old Galvins had all kinds of crazy ideas of how this should occur. every clan is different of course, my king" the man bows to ruck and glances to lady Galvin.

"are you aware of how this works, girl?" 

"not really, no." the older man nods his head and glances at the king.

"and you, my king?"

"Alvis told me enough."

"well to conclude you must, of course, consummate this marriage. do not wait like the last king..." the man shifts his eyes thinking of Alvis and sighs to himself as he glances to Ruck.

 "let your brother be the example of what not to do."

ruck remains quiet and the man states opening a book as he stares down lady Galvin.

"We start with the bride as is custom."

the man clears his throat and stares over the future queen as he states. 

"Lady Galvin, do you understand your duty as queen is not only to provide as many heirs as you can but to uphold absolute loyalty to the true king?"

"yes, sir." the girl speaks softly and the man flips a page as he asks.

"do you understand in raising your children their duty alone is to this monarchy and to the Galvins"

"I do" she states nervously and the man smiles kindly to the girl.

"just breathe dear. it is a heavy burden to be the true king's wife. as we all know Dorian did not have a very good tally regarding wife survival but I have faith the true king ruck is a different man." 

ruck motions to his sister and jokes.

"I don't know I've been told I look a lot like my father." ruck laughs and the man nods his head nervously as he shifts his eyes worriedly to the girl and continues.

"and of course the last promise. do you promise never to bring harm to the true king and of course to his heirs."

"never." she nods her head sure of her words and ruck motions to her with a smile.

"that's a very good answer, dear.." he leans over pecking the girl on her cheek and she smiles down to the floor as the man motions to the king but ruck places up his hand.

"stop with all this formality bullshit. I am the king, she is now my wife let us just get this done."

ruck waves his hand and the man nods his head as he speaks firm. 

"as long as you promise to consummate tonight I don't see why we can't skip the few minutes I was going to ask questions."

"good then yes, we promise.." the man nods and motions to them.

"kiss." ruck leans over kissing the girl and motions to the man as the man nods.

"congratulation king and queen Galvin, may your monarchy stay strong."

they walk out of the room with their hands embraced and the man walks out after them announcing to the small group of people.

"his majesty and lady Galvin!" the man yells and a few of the reapers clap none seeming interested as Ruck feels his rage boil but Alvis steps forward.

"congratulations my king-" he moves his eyes eyeing the young lady Galvin and nods.

"my queen" ruck calms himself and nods to his brother.

"thank you."

"it is a day of celebration ruck-"

"king Galvin" ruck corrects him and Alvis bows his head fearfully.

"yes, yes, king Galvin."

Ruck turns to his new wife and speaks in front of Alvis purposely baiting his brother into a fight.

"We should consummate it, why wait?" he grins and Alvis feels his hand shake with rage but comments.

"Smart idea."

"yes, some idiots decide to wait." Ruck motions to Alvis mocking his brother's defeat and Alvis lets out a small laugh.

"yes and some sleep with those idiots wife."

ruck turns his head and Alvis feels his hand tremble but ruck lets out a laugh as he hits Alvis on the arm.

"I forgot you actually had a sense of humor Alvis."

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