Chapter Sixteen

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Archibald sits on his throne and clinks his glass as he stares over the crowd of people. He looks out upon the party goers of the O'Sullivan clan and smiles fondly staring them over. He raises his glass and stares to his right at his half-sister as he announces.

"today I grant you my good sister a full title in this family..."

He raises his glass and goes to open his mouth, but is interrupted by a man walking up next to him.

"my lord a secure message has been sent to you. should we forward it to your quarters?"

Archibald motions to the man, and the man nods his head understanding. The man walks off away from the party. Archibald raises his glass again going to give his speech but is once again interrupted with the doors to his throne room being pushed open. The gypsies of the mountains come in dancing through the throne room and Archibald sits back as one of the gypsies come forward bowing her head and Archibald speaks.

"gypsy queen why have you graced my halls uninvited?"

She bows her head smiling as she speaks loudly gaining the attention of all the O'Sullivan's.

"hear me my lord, my great king, a summon of the 8 has been called, a war awaits this land unlike any before. the old army will rise, and the only hope is your clan, the plateau will wage war..."

Archibald stares around him at his people worrying expressions and Archibald holds up his hand.


She quiets down and Archibald shakes his head un-amused.

"I don't need you causing panic within my halls. the monarchy sees peace and will remain peaceful..."

Deloria smiles kindly at her king bowing her head showing the man respect.

"I come only with respect to you and to your crown. I mean not to cause panic. I only wish to share information. your people have used our aide for generations, our prophecies to end wars before they begin, to destroy enemies before they had a chance to wage those wars, and our knowledge is yours to do with what you please.."

Archibald motions to the side and the gypsy queen follows behind him. they come to a private hall and he looks upon her angry.

"Deloria I find you entertaining, but at the end, you are a machine, whose original purpose was human relations and judging by how many people you just scared it seems an engineer from the plateau may need to pay you a visit."

Archibald goes to walk away, but she grabs his arm speaking angrily.

"I have helped your family for hundreds of years archer. everything I predicted has come true, the dark death, Edmond's death and rebirth, the war to come, and the marriages of this kingdom for over 100 years. I have always been right on everything I have told..."

Deloria grips Archibald's hands and comments.

"I only wish to serve your kingdom other kingdoms see us as these sources of entertainment. they call what we do lucky guesses, but the O'Sullivan's they have always stood by me and my people."

Archibald smiles down to the gypsy and motions to her.

"I respect your technology and your algorithms. I studied like all royal kids on the plateau. I am not naive like the lesser families. you are entertaining and yes sometimes Deloria, sometimes what you speak comes true. don't fool yourself to think you were always right. the men you spoke too were just always gullible to believe."

Deloria remains quiet and Archibald grips her hand.

"I will welcome your information, but I will use it as it should be used as a prediction, but not proven facts.."

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