Chapter Twenty-Five

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Archibald stands there in front of Ruck as he bows his head and ruck asks.

"what does Alvis's best friend want here?"

"to make a deal."

"a deal for what? surely not weapons Archibald. I hear you got a big head after your conquering of Crane territory"

"my true king..." Archibald bows his head and states staring to the floor.

"I seek a wife."

"a Galvin wife?" ruck asks sounding intrigued and Archibald lifts his eyes.

"no a crane"

"and what does this have to do with me?"

"sadly King Galvin you bought the woman before I had a chance to..."

"an overseer?" ruck asks sounding more intrigued and Archibald nods his head as Ruck turns his and outright asks.

"what will you offer your true king for such a bride?"

"Gold." Archibald asks and ruck shakes his head.

"We are the richest clan in this monarchy, we own the plateau, the monarchy and we clearly do not need more gold. surely, Archibald, you have something the Galvins want."

Archibald remains quiet and Ruck smiles as he puts his hand on his shoulder and states.

"those weapons..."

"I already stated my price range-"

"To Alvis, yes. you can hardly expect him to take you seriously. trying to shout orders at a Galvin your either a very brave or very stupid king."

Ruck links his hands together settling them in his lap and Archibald turns his head as he asks outright.

"what do you propose then?"

"well, first you will get to your knees..." Ruck motions to the floor and Archibald gets to his knees and Ruck smiles to himself as he states outright walking over to Archibald and holds out his hand.

"then you will kiss my ring."

Archibald lifts his eyes eying the gold Galvin G inside the large black ring and up to ruck who motions to it. he leans forward kissing the man's ring and Ruck states sounding sure of himself.

"see I want weapons, and I want to ensure we are on the same page. so, I offer you a deal, Archibald."

"A deal?" Archibald asks and Ruck sits back on his throne staring down Archibald as he nods.

"you right now hold both the Shaws and the Cranes. two of the largest weapon manufacturers in the world. not just the plateau or monarchy but the world Archibald." Ruck leans forward and stares down Archibald as he motions to the young man and outright speaks.

"I will not only give you your bride, but I will also double your weapons contract. I will on top of that allow the shaws to manufacture in the monarchy again."

Archibald turns his head not believing what he heard and Ruck leans forward as he states.

"but in return, you will cut your ties to the O'Sullivan clan and no longer help Edmond run them."

"what?" Archibald asks sounding upset and states.

"They are my people, my family."

"they are Edmond's clan. you have sat upon the throne long enough. it is time he takes his place and keeps it himself if he cannot another O'Sullivan will do so."

"I would be that O'Sullivan."

"no" ruck shakes his head disagreeing.

"you have two clans already. Edmond has been grabbing at all the clans he can get. I am not stupid just because I was a peasant. I see what it occurring the uniting of the clans and it is not something the Galvin's take lightly."

Archibald glances up and asks sounding unsure.

"what will happen to the O'Sullivan's?"

"Edmond will be deemed unworthy and it will fall to Dalt O'Sullivan to take the throne and in exchange, his crimes will be seen as null as he will be a king"

"Dalt? he is barely an adult-"

"so were you Archibald and you did fine. you own two clans now. you keep those clans, get the highest-paid weapons contract in the world, Edmond keeps the Nolan's and the O'Sullivans still get an O'Sullivan king."

Ruck leans forward and Archibald shakes his had.

"This negotiation requires Edmond present."

"Edmond has not sat upon the O'Sullivan throne. as the true king, I deem you worthy of making this choice."

"you are asking me to take the O'Sullvians away from him. this will break his heart."

"I am asking you to help me cement peace in the monarchy. your brother has overstepped and I think it's very nice of me to just do this instead of hanging him..."

"hanging?" Archibald asks sounding upset and Ruck nods his head.

"the elders wish for his head. they think Edmond is plotting to overthrow the Glavin throne. I don't think he is. you coming here is good timing. if we make this deal everyone lives if we don't a Galvin death squad will be sent to Nolan city within the week. they will hunt him wherever he goes. you have to make this choice your clan or your brother's life."

Archibald kneels there in front of the true king and thinks over what the true king has said as ruck taps his ring on the throne and awaits the answer. Archibald takes a deep breath in and closes his eyes and thinks over his clan and his family. he lifts his eyes and asks.

"Is there no other way to keep our clan?"

"This is the way. Edmond loses his clan but lives or he is hung and you keep the O'Sullivans"

"you are asking us to abandon our people to put a boy as their king, a boy who has yet reached 18 years, and one who never wanted this nor prepared for it."

"It is his duty and he knows his line." Ruck nods to Archibald and Archibald close both his eyes thinking to himself as he bows his head in defeat and comments to the true king.

"let us hope he does." he raises his head and nods to the true king.

"I love my brother. I cannot bear the idea of his death. if it ensures he lives then I will pass the O'Sullvians to Dalt"

ruck nods his head and motions to the guard.

"bring in overseer crane let her meet her new husband..." ruck nods to Archibald and Archibald remains quiet hearing the doors open and hears a soft voice.

"true king."  Archibald glances up at the cane and swallows hard eyeing her simmering red hair and bright green eyes. he feels his hands shake as he eyes over her beauty.   ruck motions to Archibald as he states to the crane girl.

"Archibald O'Sullivan may I introduce you to Lady Crane..." the crane girl turns her head staring down Archibald and Archibald walks up to her placing out his hand.

"Lady Crane..." he states nicely and the girl glances up to the good looking young man as she asks outright sounding disgusted.

"an O'Sullivan? Do I have a choice true king?" the girl asks sounding upset and ruck motions to Archibald with a smile.

"you do not."

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