Chapter Forty

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Dalt stands outside the door watching lord crane fix his attire and walk by him angrily shutting the door. Dalt stands outside staring down the door and watches a few men come and go in the hall. the door eventually opens and lord crane walks by him ignoring him and Dalt stares after him eyeing his head as he thinks to himself and his hand rattles at his side with nerves. He shakes his head walking into the room and stares over Mila as she looks up to Dalt and remains quiet. He does as well and she asks.

"did it bother you, seeing him?

Dalt remains quiet and Mila places her hand on his arm as she states unemotionally.

"my mother just wants me to lay there and have his kids as an apology for things with Hannah-"

"There is another way..." Dalt says it softly and remains looks at the floor.

"another way?" Mila stares down Dalt and he thinks to himself unsure if he should reveal the truth to the girl but nods his head agreeing with himself.

"the plateau..."

Mila laughs out a bit mocking the older boy.

"Dalt, that is just a myth everyone knows it's just tall tales from the past-"

"no, I,-"

Dalt stops as Crane walks in and crane turns his head eyeing over Dalt as his lips form into a small grin.

"Dalton O'Sullivan, is that you?"

Dalt remains quiet and Crane steps towards the boy glancing him over and skimming his eyes on the boy as he asks Dalt lowering his voice.

"leave..." Dalt stares up and Crane motions out as he demands.


Mile interrupts motioning out.

"Dalt, leave us."

Dalt fixes his attire and nods to Mila walking by Crane and Crane steps after him and shuts the door over ignoring Dalt's presence. Mila steps back eyeing over Crane's crooked smile as he demands.

"you will not be like your sister!" Crane motions to the door and Mila stares to it then back at Crane who motions to the bed.

"lay down!"

Dalt stands outside hearing screams and at first, stands still ignoring it but slowly pushes the door open. Dalt eyes crane on top of Mila pushing himself on the girl and Dalt shifts his eyes to a small knife used to open letters. He shifts his body knocking cranes back is to him and grips the small knife. Slowly he walks up to the back of Crane ad without hesitation he shoves the knife deep;y into the back of Crane's head and begins stabbing him as he screams out.

"Blood for blood!"

He keeps stabbing crane and Mila cries out feeling the blood from crane pour onto her as Dalt feels his hand shakes and drops the knife to the ground. Mila lays there with a dead crane on top of her and Dalt stands there realizing what he has done as he whispers.

"We need to leave-"


"yes, we..." Dalt motions to Mila explaining.

"if I leave you will be held accountable but if I stay they will put me to death."

Dalt feels the blood on his hands and wipes them on his clothes as he stares down the knife and Mila asks.


Dalt looks up to her and whispers.

"the plateau..."

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