Chapter Forty-Four

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Lady Galvin sits there hearing n younger voice and turns eyeing peasant he is young, well dressed, and shows respect with a bow of his head.

"Queen Galvin you summoned me?"

"The Avery girl is she ready to burst?"

"she seems in a lot of pain-"

"understandable considering who the real father is-"  Lady Galvin fixes her hair and stares in the mirror as she asks.

"is she alone?"

"aye my lady-"

"do not call on anyone to aide her, yet."

"but she will need  doctors surely-"

"not till I take care of it."

"my  lady?"

"Shhh." she quiets the peasant down and fixes her clothing as she motions to him

"do not speak of our conversation-"

"of course not" the younger man leaves and she opens the door looking out and walks down the hall. she comes to the door and eyes the guards far off not paying any attention. she walks in and hears the moans of the pregnant girl. she stops by the girl's side and whispers

"must be excruciatingly painful baring his child and trying to convince yourself it is Rucks. I do not blame you, Ruck is sweeter, calmer and he is the true king but your child will not be king, he will not even live-" she reaches out placing her hand on the girl's abdomen and hears the girl yelling.

"what are you doing?" before Lady Galvin can reply she feels they room grow cold and feels a   presence nearby. she glances up eyeing Alvis who fixes his clothing and asks

"what are you doing?"

"how, how are you-"

"Galvins, true Galvins can sense their children in pain, their children's suffering, it makes us stronger it is why Dorian loved to fuck with us." Alvis licks his lips and motions to lady Galvin

"leave my child alone-"

"do you really want you're firstborn from this, this human?"

Alvis motions to his sister and demands

"I said leave her, alone."

"We were sent her to conquer Alvis-"

"and we have-"

"is that what Lord Cullen whispers into your ear? it's bad enough you surround yourself by them but breeding with them, marrying them?"

she eyes Alvis as he stops and she can tell he is thinking over her words as she smiles in victory

"father did it too and now look at what he created, Ruck? Ruck will rule this monarchy into the dirt-"

"let's hope so." Alvis says with a smirk and lady Galvin asks

"you wish him to fail?"

"I care for Ruck regardless of his heritage. we have history but the earth was always temporary "

"200 years of temporary Alvis-"

"200 too long, sister. I am going to join the united counsel. I will be announcing my placement after I conquer the free lands."

"with a human wife?"

"a devoted wife. one who would kill for me, stand by me and watch her own family burn. she deserves her place at my side."

"but this child will be king-"

"of nothing, the monarchy will burn just like our home galaxy did during the last wars."

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