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(DISCLAIMER: Just so you all know, this book has been fully edited (still working on grammar and such, but other than that it's fully edited) and most of the previous comments will be messed up, or might not make sense because some plot lines have been changed. Thank you all for your support, and I hope you enjoy this book!!!)


Some things are inevitable. You just have no control over certain situations. Yes, some of us believe we're gods that can control everything to our will, but that's just not how life works. There's no happy apple pie endings; life isn't some children's fairytale. At least, this is what you believed after the accident took place.

You know how people describe a drastic downfall as a perfect storm? When a rare series of events leads to something tragic, or not very pleasant? That's how that day went down. Your 16th birthday was supposed to be different, but life decided to stop by and say, "Screw you, Y/N!".

You woke up early that morning and showered. You soon discovered your mum had bought some new face wash and your skin had some weird reaction to it. Your face and neck ended up scattered with patchy, extremely itchy, red blotches.

Your parents offered to reschedule plans for the day, but you insisted on continuing with the plans anyway. A little rash wasn't going to stop you from having the perfect day. So, you took Benadryl and went on.

When your parents finally told you that they were taking you white water rafting, you knew the day would have to perk up. You'd always begged them to take you, but they said it was "too dangerous". Apparently, they finally gave in and decided you could go. With both of them with you the entire time, of course.

On the way there, your car (that had never caused you a single problem in the last 8 years you had it) decided to break down. Your parents, then persistent to not let this ruin your birthday, strategically made a new plan to get a taxi and come back for the car later. So, one taxi ride later you arrived at a white water rafting corporation. It was a lovely place about 40 minutes outside of your hometown, London.

When you got there, you had to read tons of paperwork and go over a safety course with an instructor. You then got geared up with bright, red helmets. You assumed they were so bright because if anyone were to fall in, it would be easier to find them.

After all the boring stuff you got placed into a small group. This would be the group that you would be rafting with. Among this group were two rafting instructors. One, a short, brown haired man named Ryan and the other, a skinny, bright faced blonde named Ava. You all clambered into your raft and set off. Minutes into the trip, you were already having troubles.

"This damned helmet!" You whispered to yourself, while irritably scratching underneath the strap at your rash. You had taken the seat farthest to the left side of the boat, towards the back. Your parents right next to you. You all chatted excitedly as the raft slowly made its way down the river, lurking for the rapids.

Ryan and Ava explained to the lot of you that once you all got to the rapids you were to listen to them closely because there would be some sharp turns. The idea of this excited you and you helped row the boat; happily bouncing in your seat.

As promised the rapids soon came and swept the boat away, ushering it downstream. You giggled with pleasure as the boat rocked from side to side, splashing water over everyone's feet.

"Sharp turn ahead, right side of the boat are you ready?!" Ava turned to the group, a daring grin spreading wide across her face.

"Yeah!" All the people on the right side of the boat yelled.

You're in Sherlock (Sherlock × Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon