A Study in Pink: Chapter 10

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While you and Sherlock continued your pacing you heard Mrs Hudson step into the flat. She glanced around before her eyes landed upon Sherlock. You gazed at her, wondering what she needed.

"Isn't the doorbell working? Your taxi's here, Sherlock." She told him, you looked to Sherlock. Taxi? When did he have time to order a taxi? Did you blank out when pacing again?

"I didn't order a taxi, go away." He waved his hand at Mrs Hudson as he paced around the room. Didn't order a taxi? Weird, you noted before continuing on the case.

"Oh dear, they're making such a mess. What are they looking for?" Mrs Hudson asked John, looking a bit distressed by the mess. You blocked them out, tapping your chin in thought.

"It's a drugs bust, Mrs Hudson." John told her.

"Oh, but they're just for my hip. They're herbal soothers!" Mrs Hudson sounded a bit frightened as she put a hand to her hip.

"Shut up!" You suddenly yelled from your spot on the couch. Everyone looked at you confused, besides Sherlock who was madly pacing the room. Everyone's talking and laughter had you darn near the point of implosion.

"Yes, everybody shut up! I'm thinking, don't move, don't breathe, Anderson, face the other way, you're putting me off!" Sherlock suddenly yelled. The policemen looked at him, very confused. But you agreed with Sherlock, staring interfered with thinking, for some reason your brain seemed to slow down.

"What, my face is??" Anderson asked, sounding very offended. Good.

"Everyone's staring is!" You noted, and continued to piece the case together.

"Everybody quiet and still. Anderson, turn your back." Lestrade ordered watching you and Sherlock. Lestraude was on our side, you mentally took a note.

"For God's sake-" Anderson started to complain before he was cut off.

"Your back, now, please!" Lestrade yelled looking at Anderson, before turning back to watch you and Sherlock pace the room. Anderson turned his back very furious and embarrassed.

"Come on, come on!!" Sherlock urged his brain, you clutched your head in thought as you started piecing evidence together in your brain mentally.

"What about your taxi-" Mrs Hudson started to say but Sherlock screamed in rage.

"Mrs Hudson!!" Mrs Hudson looked very startled by Sherlock's yell and she turned around, hurrying away. That taxi again? God, the case! You reminded yourself. Suddenly, something clicked.

"Oh, she was clever." You locked eyes with Sherlock grinning and he grinned back, he now understood.

"Clever, yes, I love her! She's cleverer than you lot and she's dead! Do you see? Do you get it? She didn't lose her phone, she never lost it. She planted it on him." Sherlock explained, looking around. Everyone looked clueless, their stares vacant.

"When she got out of that car, she knew she was going to her death... she left the phone to lead us to her killer!" You tried to further explain, but still no one seemed to get it. Why they didn't understand was unknown to you. That was a thorough explanation.

"But how?" Lestrade asked, Sherlock looked taken aback by this as he stopped walking around the room to look at Lestrade. You scoffed.

"What do you mean how? Rachel. Don't you see? Rachel!" Sherlock sighed once he saw that no one understood him but you. He looked over to you. "Oh, look at them, they're all so vacant! What's it like, not being like us?" Sherlock laughed.

"It must be rather relaxing. And not to mention boring. In other words, it would suck to be an idiot." You agreed, Sherlock turned back to everyone to explain.

"Rachel is not a name!" He yelled.

"Then what is it?" John asked, waiting for an answer. Sherlock snapped at his desk, and you quickly scooped up his mini computer tablet, handing it over to him.

You began speaking the email from the case tag from memory for Sherlock. "Jennie dot pink at mephone dot org dot uk." Sherlock quickly typed this in.

"We've been too slow, she didn't have a laptop, which means she did her business on her phone. So it's a smartphone, it's email enabled. So there's a website for her account." Sherlock explained as he typed. "The user name will be the email address..." Sherlock said while typing this all in very rapidly. "and all together now, the password is... ?"

"Rachel." John stated, you nodded at this.

"So we can read her emails- so what?" Anderson asked, you sighed heavily looking in his direction.

"Don't talk out loud, Anderson, you'll lower the IQ of the whole street. We can do more than read her emails- it's a smartphone, it's got GPS!" You exclaimed.

"And if you lose it..." Sherlock gestured towards his computer screen. He's on the website, find my MePhone.com. A button on the screen reads 'update location' and Sherlock quickly clicks on it. "You can locate it online." He leaned back, as a little clock popped up. 'Your phone will be located in under three minutes.' It read. It was all too brilliant! Why had it taken so long for you to put the evidence together?!

"God, she's leading us right to the man who killed her." You shook your head, this woman was amazing.

"Unless he got rid of it." Lestrade said.

"We know he didn't." John told him.

"Come on, quickly, quickly!" Sherlock yelled at his computer, setting it back down onto his desk and taking a seat. You, John, and Lestrade leaned over him watching the screen.

"Sherlock, dear, this taxi driver!" Mrs Hudson yelled, appearing back into the room. You wrinkled your eyebrows at this, biting your lip in thought. Was this taxi a coincidence? You pushed it aside as you turned back to see the screen load. This was more important. Sherlock stood from his chair and walked swiftly over to Mrs Hudson.

"Mrs Hudson, isn't it time for your evening soother?" Sherlock spat, walking back to where Lestrade now stood. "Get some vehicles ready, get a helicopter, we need to move fast- that phone battery won't last forever." He stated. John walked over to the netbook, drumming his fingers, willing the search to go faster.

"We'll just have a map reference, not a name!" Lestrade told Sherlock.

"It's a start!" You butted in, turning away from the tablet, you needed to catch this guy and now.

"Sherlock..." John was looking at the screen of the computer.

"It narrows it down from anyone in London, it's the first proper lead we've had!" Sherlock threw his arms in the air as he argued with Lestrade. You nodded in agreement with Sherlock.

"Sherlock!" John shouted. Sherlock turned, John was staring at the computer screen.

"Where is it, where, quickly!" Sherlock yelled, hurrying over to take a look at the screen, you next to him. You looked at it, frowning deeply.

"It's here. It's in 221 Baker Street." John trailed off looking to you and Sherlock for an explanation. Neither of you had one.

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