A Study in Pink: Chapter 5

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While John continued to obliviously type out the message to send to the killer, you stood, making your way into the kitchen. You scooped up the case then headed back into the living room. Sherlock stood as he watched you enter and you placed the case back onto the chair in front of the fireplace. You zipped it open, pushing the lid back. Sherlock stood behind you, looking at it with you once more. It was always beneficial to take a second look at things, there was a very rare instance where you might have missed something, but it was still good to check anyway.

John looked up from typing to watch both of you looking through the alarmingly bright pink case. He stopped typing a moment, and you could see his mind was wondering elsewhere.

"Have you sent it?" Sherlock asked, noticing John was staring.

"Uh, what was the address again?" John finally broke his eyes away from the bag and the two of you standing over it.

"22 Northumberland Street, hurry up!" Sherlock ushered him, studying the items in the case again.

"Oh Sherlock, that's brilliant!" You genuinely conveyed your thoughts. "I knew it would be good to text the number, but a message like that... oh, that's good."

"I know." He replied simply. You found yourself studying him as his eyes focused down at the case. You related to his confidence, he was different wasn't he? Clearly. But your mind couldn't break from the smoking problem. He claimed to be smart, yet was slowly killing himself through his nicotine addiction. He clearly was an addict, and not only with nicotine. You just wondered how someone so smart could just throw it all away. You didn't understand it.

"That's... that's the pink lady's case... Jennifer Wilson's case..." John uttered in disbelief. He shook his head, blinking at it multiple times, like he didn't believe his eyes. It took him that long to come to that conclusion? You often wondered how it would feel being in the shoes of not being a genius for a day. It sounded awful.

"Yes, obviously." After John looked at the bag suspiciously for a long moment, Sherlock sighed, "Oh, perhaps I should mention, I didn't kill her." Sherlock stated, looking back to the bag. John's eyes immediately went to you.

"What? I didn't kill her either." You told him with a roll of your eyes. John clearly couldn't comprehend how smart you and Sherlock were. In his mind, it was claimed the case was missing, so seeing you and Sherlock with it, it was the most probable solution to think you were the murderers.

"I never said either of you did..." John looked in between you and Sherlock. Looking a bit uncomfortable. His looks said it all. Again, he didn't realise how easy it was to read his face.

"Why not? Given the text I just had you send, and the fact we have this case, it would be a perfectly logical assumption to assume we were the murderers." Sherlock looked at John. You nodded in agreement.

"Exactly, plus you're on edge. You took a step back without noticing and your stance is protective. Yet you say you don't believe we're the killers." You crossed your arms, raising your eyebrows at John as his look panned over to you. He shook his head, relaxing his stance and he continued on.

"Do people usually assume you're the murderers?" John questioned, but you weren't sure he wanted to know the answer. He was already uncomfortable as it was.

"Now and then, yes." Sherlock said, pushing himself onto the back of his chair, and pressing his folded hands to his lips. John then looked to you, where you now leaned on the edge of Sherlock's chair, still gazing into the case. John then took a seat in the chair opposite of you and Sherlock.

"It's happened once... or twice... or more." You admitted, shrugging. When you solve cases so quickly, people assume things. It's a natural human response when someone knows things others can't in such little time.

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