A Study in Pink: Chapter 11

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"How can it be here? How??" Sherlock asked, you had already started pacing again, zoning out as you thought over the same question Sherlock had.

"Maybe it was in the case when you brought it back - fell out somewhere." Lestrade suggested.

"And Y/N or I didn't notice. Both of us? Together. Not noticing something like that?" Sherlock asked, he needed an explanation. You needed an explanation. Stuff like that didn't just happen.

"Anyway, we texted him and he phoned back." John said.

"Guys, we're also looking for a mobile somewhere here- belonged to the victim..." Lestrade stated, while you covered your ears in thought. Think! Think! You told yourself, tugging softly at your hair.

"Sherlock? You okay?" John asked, Sherlock's strange behaviour concerning him a bit.

"What? Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." Sherlock stated, looking down at his phone then glancing at the door. He began to walk towards the door, you didn't notice this though, because you were far too deep into thought. Sherlock was right, the whole world around you faded when you were thinking like this.

"So how can the phone be here?" John asked him.

"I don't know..." He trailed off, still focusing on the door.

"I'll phone it again." John said, pulling his phone back out.

"Good idea." Sherlock said, still not seeming to be fully there.

"Where are you going?" John asked, taking notice of Sherlock's movements towards the door.

"Fresh air, just popping out for a moment." Sherlock lied, making his way through the door.

"You sure you're alright?" John asked, as Sherlock walked out of the room.

"I'm fine!" He yelled as he ran down the stairs.

You finally came back to your senses when you heard John yelling, looking out the flat's windows. You turned to him confused, when you noticed Sherlock was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Sherlock?" You asked, looking around the flat.

"He just took off in a taxi!" John exclaimed, still looking out the window.

"What?" You asked, running to the window to see a taxi turning off Baker street. His taxi... he definitely didn't lie about ordering a taxi, you were sure of this because of the way he'd yelled at Mrs Hudson. He'd wanted her to shut up about the taxi so he could think. He wouldn't order a taxi and interrupt the case. "Bloody hell! Were has he gone off to now?" You huffed, thinking. Something wasn't right here. But what was wrong... what was it? Had he decided to take the taxi somewhere... but if he did where?

"I told you. He does that." Donovan stated, crossing her arms at John. "He bloody left. Again. We're wasting our time!" Donovan said to Lestrade. Lestrade stood, looking somewhat disappointed. You ignored Sally's rude comment for once, far too focused.

"John... call the number again. Something's wrong." You waved your hand frantically at John as you took another glance out the window.

"Already on it... it's ringing out." He told you, his phone held to his ear.

"If it's ringing, it's not here." Lestrade said, shaking his head. You turned in circles, pulling at your hair. What had Sherlock figured out that you hadn't? John hung up the phone, sighing.

"I'll try the search again." He said walking over to the computer, clicking the 'update location' button.

"Does it matter? Does any of it?" Donovan asked, looking at Lestrade. "He's just a lunatic, and he'll always let you down. And you're wasting your time. All our time."

You looked up at her, "Could you shut up for once! You're angry and unreasonable, you don't know him, so just shut up!" You growled. She gave you an alarmed look, but Lestrade shook his head at her, showing her not to take it to heart. You were often like this. You were honestly surprised with your outbreak, it was unlike you to do that. You took a breath, pulling yourself back together.

"Okay everyone, we're done here." Lestrade sighed, clearing the policemen out as you again, started to pace the room.

"You're just going to leave? Just like that? Because Donovan thinks you're wasting your time? Lestrade, something's not right here. I know it." You attempted to give Lestrade an angry look, hoping it would convince him to stay. He looked at you for a long time before he shook his head.

"He always does this, Y/N. What makes this any different?" Lestrade asked, shaking his head sadly.

"Because, I know! You've got to believe me! You know very well I'm just as brilliant as Sherlock is!" You reasoned with him. You watched in frustration as the last couple officers exited the flat.

"Then why did he do that? Why did he have to leave?" Lestrade asked you, shaking his head.

"I'm working on that bit! Just give me time!" You told him, he then turned to John. He clearly didn't want to wait for the answer you didn't yet have.

"You know him better than I do." John shrugged.

"I've known him for five years, and no I don't." Lestrade said.

"Why do you put up with him?" John asked.

"Because I'm bloody desperate, that's why!" Lestrade said striding towards the door. He then hesitated, looking back at John. "Because Sherlock Holmes is a great man. And I think, one day, if we're very, very lucky he might even be a good one." He stated, before walking out of the flat. You groaned, he didn't even take your word on this, he would be sorry once he realised you'd been right all along.

"Fine then! I didn't need your help anyway!" You scoffed shaking your head at the flat, that now only contained you and John. This was annoying.

You paced more, trying to think when it suddenly all came tumbling down on your mind just a few minutes later. "John..." You said, suddenly realising something. John looked at you to see your face had gone a bit pale.

"What is it?" He asked, stepping towards you, studying your face. Trying to read it for answers.

"The murderer..." You muttered.

"What about the murderer?" John asked you, worry now apparent on his face.

"He has Sherlock." As you said this, the tablet beeped and you dashed over to it, seeing the map that had popped up. You cursed, grabbing the tablet and running out the door, John close at your heels.

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