The Empty Hearse: Chapter 2

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Flying back to London was like a dream come true. You never thought in the last two years that you'd be back so soon, it was so surreal. Looking out of the private jet's window, you could see the city slowly coming into view. It was like seeing an old friend you haven't talked to in years, all the memories were there and somehow you always managed to strike up a conversation. You couldn't wait to be back on your feet without having to worry constantly about where you were going to lay your head the next night. Plus, you were just overjoyed to be solving crimes again, London never disappointed. You looked over at Sherlock, who was still filthy from your long journey. You both hadn't showered in weeks, and you honestly couldn't wait to get cleaned up for once. Sherlock looked over at you as he saw you staring and raised his eyebrows at you as if to ask you what you were thinking. You gave him the smallest hint of a true smile, grabbing his hand as you looked back out the window, ready to be home.

Once you landed, you were immediately driven to a building of Mycroft's where you could shower and get cleaned up. You spent what felt like hours in the shower as you cleaned the years away from your skin. Watching the dirt get sucked down the drain removed the stress of the last two years from your body. It was really over and you were back to your normal life. It still didn't entirely feel real. After so many different personas and characters you'd had to portray undercover in the past years, everything always seemed too good to be true. But this was no illusion or lie; you and Sherlock had dismantled Moriarty's network and you were back home; together.

You couldn't suppress the stupid grin that kept sneaking to your face as you toweled off your hair and prepared to get dressed. You were happy, you could feel it bubbling up inside for the first time since you were a child. This was true and utter bliss.

With clothes Mycroft had provided, you got dressed in what was suspiciously your normal everyday wear when you were living in London two years ago. You didn't know Mycroft knew that much about you to get clothes that fit your style. Finally, you headed to Mycroft's office where Sherlock was laid back in a barber's chair, getting all his facial hair shaved. You gasped as you saw his hair slicked back and newly cut. He looked great.

"That is a major upgrade." You walked into Sherlock's field of vision and he rolled his eyes at you.

"What, you didn't like the long hair?" He held back a smile as the barber continued shaving off his facial hair.

"We both decided we hated it." You laughed. You had both agreed it made him look like a Jesus impersonator; not Sherlock's cup of tea. You casually sat opposite of Sherlock, watching the barber work. You felt Mycroft's eyes on you, but you were still angry with him and you had no clue what to do with the pit of fire you wished to unleash unto the man for watching his own brother get beaten. For now, you decided the silent treatment would work until you came up with something better.

"You two have been busy, haven't you?" You heard the quiet shuffling of papers as Mycroft flipped through files, no doubt looking at what you and Sherlock had been up to the past few years. "Quite the busy little bees." Mycroft chuckled at himself as he continued to paper through the files.

"Moriarty's network – took us two years to dismantle it." Sherlock spoke softly, not moving as the man continued to shave his face.

"And you're both confident you have?" Mycroft dropped the file to his lap as he made eye contact with you, before his eyesight panned to Sherlock. We haven't spent the last two years with our thumbs up our arses, you thought bitterly as you looked ahead at Mycroft with cool eyes. You hugged your knee to your chest and your chin found a home on the top of your kneecap as you glared, narrowed eyed at Mycroft.

"The Serbian side was the last piece of the puzzle." Sherlock explained, his words slightly muffled from his limited mouth range motion to avoid getting cut as he was being shaved.

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