The Hounds of Baskerville: Chapter 2

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Sherlock was delighted to find that you indeed had gotten a client show up at the door. He promptly invited him in, looking rather too excited after deducing him. And you knew exactly why.

You'd ditched your robe and pulled on one of your lighter jackets for warmth while Sherlock decided on his normal blazer. Your client, which you now knew as Henry Knight, was rather anxious. Ever since you'd let him through the front door he couldn't keep his eyes in one place, and his hands wouldn't stay still. They were constantly moving. Always looking for something to keep them distracted. He wouldn't explain his case, but insisted on you watching a film instead.

You paid no attention to the film, but kept your eyes locked on Sherlock. He looked bored and eager for something. He had his head rested in his hands and his legs bounced as he sat impatiently. You knew that he knew Henry was a smoker. It was a simple deduction, but now the only reason Sherlock had taken Henry in was because he wanted to smoke. The case might even be a waste of time. You weren't sure considering you hadn't been watching the film.

"What did you see?" Sherlock finally spoke, clicking off the tv as he turned towards Henry. You cast your eyes away when Sherlock saw you staring, no doubt knowing you'd been deducing him.

"Oh... I was just about to say." He reached a shaking finger to point towards the TV. Why didn't he want to tell his story in person? You wondered as you silently watched him, legs pulled tight towards your chest.

"Yes, in a TV interview. I prefer to do my own editing." Sherlock told him bluntly.

"What he means to say is he'd like it if you told him your story in person." You softly told him, knowing something tragic had scared the wits out of this man. Hopefully he wasn't just one of the insane ones, or a druggie.

"Yes. Sorry, of course." Henry apologized, taking a deep breath. He reached into his pocket, carefully pulling out a napkin to dab at his runny nose. You scanned it, your eyes focusing back on him.

"In your own time." John encouraged, trying to be nice even though he wanted to hear what the guy had to say as quickly as you and Sherlock did.

"But rather quickly." Sherlock told him, leaning forward in his seat, awaiting what he wanted to hear. You leaned forward as well, ready to listen. Henry looked over the three of you, slowly lowering his napkin away from his face.

"Do you know Dartmoor, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes?" He looked from you to Sherlock and before you could even tell him you knew of Dartmoor you choked on your own spit.

"Sorry, we're not married." You clarified, clearing your throat.

"Oh... sorry. I just assumed, you keep looking at each other." Henry said softly before brushing it off. You avoided both John and Sherlock's eye contact as you focused on the case.

"You're fine. But, yes I've heard of Dartmoor." You nodded, crossing your arms as you waited for him to get to the point.

"It's a beautiful place, isn't it? It is sort of bleak, but still... beautiful." Henry started. You nodded trying to move him along. "We used to go for walks, after my mum died, my dad and me. Every evening we'd go out onto moor. Have you ever been?" He asked you, his voice nervous and shaky.

"No, but I've read about it." You told him, still wanting him to get to the point already.

"You have? Well-"

"Yes, good. Skipping to the night that your dad was violently killed. Where did that happen?" Sherlock quickly said, you looked at him telling him to chill out with your eyes. It didn't work. John just shook his head at Sherlock, not too surprised by his blunt attitude.

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