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"No, thank you." Mycroft spoke in his normal monotone voice as he looked over you and Sherlock (Perseus held in your arms).

"Oh, c'mon Mycroft! It's just for a few hours!" You begged, looking at him with pleading eyes.

He looked at you, his expression not changing. "Why am I the first person you're asking?" He questioned, squinting his eyes at his brother from where he sat behind his desk.

"We know you wouldn't last before we walked out the door." Sherlock grinned. Mycroft was smart enough to tell his brother was trying to use reverse psychology on him, but it clearly grinded his gears that his younger brother knew that.

You rocked a gurgling Perseus as you laughed at Sherlock's comment and Mycroft's death glare. He hated the two of you, but in a loving way. At least you think it was in a loving way. "It's been a month, you haven't even held Perseus! We're trying to get you warmed up to human interaction, Mycroft!"

Mycroft rolled his eyes at that, sighing. "I don't have the time for your foolery. Get out of my office."

You made a face at him, pretending to be offended. "Who do you think we are! Ha! Foolery." You spoke, stepping closer to his desk. You gave Sherlock a cheeky grin, you were getting Mycroft to hold Perseus and that was that. The man needed human connection, even though he acted like he despised it. He'd refused to go on a date with who you'd picked out for him, so trying to make him interact with Perseus was the next best form of human interaction.

"Just look at him! How can you say no to that adorable little face?" You stepped closer to Mycroft's chair, presenting Perseus. Who was halfway asleep and had drool dripping down his chin. Absolutely precious.

"No." Mycroft easily produced, turning up his nose from the two of you to look at something on his desk.

"Just do it and we'll leave you alone." Sherlock told his brother, crossing his arms.

Mycroft looked over the two of you, as if wondering if that could possibly be true. You'd been non stop bugging him about getting him a date, and he'd been too stubborn to pursue that. So now you were non stop bugging him about being a proper uncle. "No more signing me up for dating apps without my permission?" He questioned, seriously.

"Mmmhmm." You nodded, holding Perseus out with a big grin.

"Fine." He agreed, carefully letting you lower Perseus into his arms. You stepped back, a huge grin of accomplishment on your face as you turned towards Sherlock in excitement. You didn't think you'd actually convince him to do it!

"Pictures." Sherlock reminded you and you nodded in agreement pulling out your phone to snap pictures. Mycroft scowled at you, looking like he was about to personally shove the both of you out of his office.

You could tell Mycroft was awkward and stiff as he was unsure what to do now. Perseus began getting a bit fussy and you laughed at Mycroft's face of absolute terror as Perseus let out the smallest cry.

"Take it back." He demanded, too scared to move. You and Sherlock just laughed at him, continuing to snap photos. "Y/n, I'm serious."

After you were thoroughly entertained with the reaction you'd gotten from Mycroft, you scooped Perseus back up, quickly getting him to calm down after some gentle swaying. "Well, thanks for the entertainment! We're headed off!" You exclaimed brightly.

Mycroft raised an unsure eyebrow at the both of you before you left without another word.


"Sherlock!" You screeched, jumping in excitement as you finally found the missing piece in your most recent case.

"What?!" Sherlock hurried into the room where you were jumping for joy, the mysterious locket that tied together the case you were working on held tight in your hand.

You're in Sherlock (Sherlock × Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon