A Scandal in Belgravia: Chapter 13

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Later, Sherlock had allowed Irene to shower and you had reluctantly lent her one of your bathrobes. You and Sherlock had talked, planning on where to go from here, she was obviously coming to the both of you for help. You were done with holding all this anger towards her, if Sherlock said he didn't like her, then you believed him. That still didn't mean you trusted her though. But, you planned with him anyways.

"So, who's after you?" Sherlock asked Irene as the three of you sat at the kitchen table, looking out at her as she sat in Sherlock's chair, her hair wet and tangly.

"People who want to kill me." She simply stayed with her little smirk as she brought her legs closer to her body. Your robe rode up on her legs to expose her thighs and you sighed leaning back towards the table. Sherlock glanced at you, noticing your irritation. He squeezed your knee under the table and you took a breath, calming yourself down.

"Who wants to kill you?" You questioned, looking over her.

"Killers." She simply replied, making this whole situation much harder on you and Sherlock. If she wanted to play these games then you could just leave her to die, it was simple really.

"You know, we could just leave you to d-" You started, but John interrupted you, not letting you finish that statement.

"It would help if you were a tiny bit more specific." John pushed. He threaded his fingers through one another as he leaned forward.

"So you faked your own death to get ahead of them." Sherlock stated, staring blankly at her. She looked at him, her smirk still on her face.

"It worked for awhile." She gazed away, and you nodded. Her plan was smart, but not smart enough. You and Sherlock could do better.

"Except you let Y/n and John know you were alive, and therefore me." He stated, adjusting his spot in his seat. You looked over to him, quickly looking away when you began to get distracted by his serious look.

"I knew you'd keep my secret." She told him, crossing her arms over one another. What was that supposed to mean? You thought as you looked at her.

"You couldn't." Sherlock said.

"But you did. Didn't you? Where's my camera phone?"

"It's not here, we're not stupid." John said, giving her his sarcastic smile as she looked at him. You looked away, knowing Sherlock had made a plan in an attempt to trick Irene, but you weren't so sure it would work. Irene knew that phone too well, but Sherlock had disagreed. He thought it might work. You both agreed it was worth a try.

"Then what have you done with it? If they've guessed you've got it, they'll be watching you." Irene informed you, maybe to scare you? You weren't sure, but you did know that she really wanted that phone back.

"If they've been watching me, they'll know that I took a safety deposit box at a bank on the Strand a few months ago." Sherlock casually stated.

"I need it." Irene demanded. You rolled your eyes, continuing your silence.

"Well, we can't just go and get it, can we?" John stated. He turned, looking from you to Sherlock, thinking up a plan. "Molly Hooper. She could collect it, take it to Bart's; then one of your homeless network could bring it here, leave it in the café, and one of the boys downstairs could bring it up the back." You smiled at John's effort, knowing Sherlock too well to believe what he was saying. You chuckled and John looked at you, confused.

"Very good, John. Excellent plan, with intelligent precautions." Sherlock nodded with a small smile on his face, you shared a knowing look with him.

"Thank you." John looked full of pride at Sherlock's compliment. But when he saw Sherlock pull the replica of the phone from his pocket, he wasn't happy. "So, why don't ... Oh, for heavens-" You watched John as he rolled his eyes, leaning back into his chair. Sherlock was always ten steps ahead of John, and so were you. You left him in the dust with your quick, strategic planning.

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