The Final Problem: Chapter 4

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(Okay, remember how I said this would be up yesterday? Yeah... I'm a filthy liar 😔. So, basically I was reading the chapter for any fixes and literally fell asleep because I was exhausted. Anyway, it's here now! AND it's a pretty long chapter too! I love you guys and thank you all for always being understanding and supporting me no matter what. I love you all so much, my Brownie Batchlings 😭. Okay, now read this chapter! It's been in the works for much to long and y'all deserved it long ago.)


When the guards led you, John, Mycroft, and the Governor into a cell, Sherlock did not look happy. In fact, he looked completely pissed. You could tell he was trying to keep his cool. As the guards marched you in, you noted him squeezing his hands in and out of fists and his eyes focused on their every move. When he noticed John was completely knocked out, you saw his jaw clench, but he didn't speak. His eyes focused on you and the guards on either side of you, hands tight around your upper arms. You'd given up fighting them long ago, they really didn't seem to care that you were very much pregnant and Sherlock could clearly tell that. If he wasn't locked in a cell, he'd probably have some words to throw at them. But they were all basically mind controlled, they wouldn't listen. You both knew that.

You stumbled slightly as you were shoved through the door. As you fell forward you let out a small yelp, trying to retain your balance. That was hard these days when your balance seemed to be completely out of whack with the extra twenty or so pounds pregnancy had kindly gifted you with. Sherlock was at your side in a moment to steady you from falling. One hand slipped into yours and his other snaked around your waist to make sure you were completely okay before he even thought of letting you go. You didn't hesitate a moment before you wrapped your arms around him, burying your face into his chest. You knew he'd be angry with you, in his mind you wouldn't be in this mess with him if you just hadn't talked him into letting you come with them. But you didn't want to leave Sherlock alone to battle his past, he needed you here. But now... you had no idea what Eurus had planned for the five of you.

After the guards placed John down on a bed, they quickly slipped out of the room. The doors sealed behind them, but you didn't care as Sherlock held you in his arms. Neither of you said a word, but his arms tight around you was worth more than a thousand words. You were in this together. No matter what was about to happen.

"Are you okay?" He asked into your hair, fingers digging into the fabric of the light sweater you had on. You nodded into his chest, holding back tears from knowing he was okay.

"What happened?" You asked softly, slightly pulling out of the hug so you could see his face. His brows knitted together as he thought back to what had happened to him, he now looked visibly irritated.

"Eurus attacked me, locked me in here, then her and her guards left. That about when the sirens started going off, I'm assuming you figured out she had everyone mind controlled?" Sherlock questioned, glancing towards the governor who was standing behind you looking very awkward and upset.

You shook your head, arms still resting on Sherlock's shoulders as you looked ahead at him. "Not as soon as we should have. They overtook us- knocked John out. Do you have any idea what she's got planned?"

Sherlock shook his head and you both immediately looked towards Mycroft. When he noticed the two of you staring he did a double take, looking slightly offended. "You think I know?" You and Sherlock nodded.

"You're the only one who knew she was here, you've got to know something." You tilted your head to the side, trying to read his expression. He looked just as stressed as you and Sherlock as he loosened his tie, shaking his head at the both of you. You gave Sherlock a glance and decided to leave Mycroft alone as you waited for what was about to happen next. You guess you just had to remain not knowing.

You're in Sherlock (Sherlock × Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon