The Great Game: Chapter 10

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Moriarty's footsteps stopped close by, and you searched the room for his figure. You had been right! It was Moriarty behind all of this. You'd known it from the beginning! You were sure Sherlock knew as well, but you couldn't be sure. The more you thought, you realized Moriarty's voice sounded extremely familiar. You thought back in time, trying to place it to someone you might've met before. Without much luck, you stood up as calmly as you could, trying not to let any emotions boil up inside of you. So far you were calm, you appreciated your brain for that at the moment. You squinted ahead of you, attempting to get a better look at him as his figure slowly approached you.

His figure was slim and as he drew closer you could see he was wearing a tailored suit. A very expensive suit. Your eyes played tricks on you as you tried to see his face more clearly in the dark room. You took a weary step closer, not wanting to get too close. You weren't sure what he had planned. Once your eyes finally focused you squinted hard at him, seeing a face that seemed familiar. But... wasn't he.... Jim? Gay Jim? Your brain felt foggy but you remembered him. His gay character was an act to meet Sherlock. Why hadn't you seen it all sooner? He was good at disguising himself, careful to make sure he played his gay act down to every last detail. You and Sherlock had fallen for it.

"I know what you're thinking. Jim? Jim from the hospital?" Moriarty chuckled evilly, giving you a menacing grin. You blinked at him, not entertained by his words. You kept your features blank, you weren't giving him what he wanted. He wanted some scared or surprised reaction from you. You weren't scared, nor were you surprised. You expected something like this from Moriarty.

"No. I was just thinking about how much of an arse you are. Kidnapping and drugging me? Really?" You growled, your senses not clear enough to your liking. You felt much too vulnerable to be around this psychopath. The pounding headache the drugs had given you wasn't helping either. You didn't seem to be able to read him as well as you could've if you weren't in the situation he'd put you in.

"Oh, that's practical, Y/n! I didn't kidnap you, I don't get my hands dirty. It was simply what had to happen to get you here, is all. It's not like you'd agree to come with us. We had to be forceful with you. I had a rather fun time watching you run around trying to determine the NCA agents deaths." He stated, shrugging as he paced in front of you and shoved his hands into his pants pockets.

"Funny." You said in a monotone voice. "We solved them all in less than 30 minutes, so I don't see how enjoyable that was."

Moriarty chuckled at that, looking over at you. "I was rather impressed, I thought you were the less supier one compared to Sherlock." The words slid off Moriarty's tongue easily and you held in your annoyance at that comment. He was just trying to get under your skin.

"So, what's next? Are you going to kill me?" You sneered, ignoring his comment. You could already feel the anger overcoming you. Moriarty laughed, shaking his head.

"No, I'm not going to kill you... yet. I have special plans for you later." Jim giggled at you as he paced in front of you. You narrowed your eyes at him, trying to act unaffected by his words, special plans for you later? That wasn't a good sign. You just wish that you could have gone back to 221B and done some stupid experiment with Sherlock like you'd wanted to before you found out those stupid bodies were NCA agents. Sherlock....

"Sherlock will kill you." You hissed, remembering Dr. McClendon had called him, he knew the bomber had you. Maybe he even discovered it was Moriarty at this point. You should have told him you were suspicious the bomber was Moriarty when you had the chance! Sherlock would come... Then, he would kill Moriarty and it could all be over with and done. But... maybe that was all part of Moriarty's stupid plan.

"No he won't!" Moriarty sung in a high pitched voice; you glared daggers at him. It was part of his plan, but what did he have in store?

"Why's that?" You snapped. There was no way he could fool Sherlock... although he had already fooled the both of you at the hospital... He wouldn't be able to do it again. Not now that Sherlock knew your situation, he wouldn't fall for that.

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