His Last Vow: Chapter 7

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The weeks and months seemed to fly by as Sherlock quickly made progress in healing from his surgeries. By the time Christmas came around, he was good as new. Which was a relief because it had been a long and hard process, one which included you fighting Sherlock tooth and nail to go to his freaking appointments. You swore he'd be dead if you weren't around to keep an eye on him since John had moved out.

Something that especially surprised you was that Sherlock had agreed to meet at his parents home for Christmas Day in celebration of him being out of the hospital and your engagement. He didn't want to be celebrated and neither did you, but his mother was all over getting the family together. It was something you definitely hadn't expected him to agree to, so you were a bit suspicious about the whole ordeal. When he invited Bill to come along too, you knew he was up to something. Knowing you'd find out eventually, you didn't push it, but waited it out.

You arrived at Sherlock's childhood home early on Christmas morning and were surprised to see Mycroft was there as well. This was something you really hadn't expected, it really was a family reunion. Just like his mother had hoped for. At least someone was happy about the get together.

"Oh, Y/n!" Sherlock's mom clasped you in a hug as soon as you walked through the door. You stood stiff as she embraced you tightly. You shot Sherlock a look that read 'S.O.S' but he just grinned at you as he shimmed off his coat. "I'm so happy you made it. Let's see it!" You pulled away to look at you and you gave her an awkward and forced smile. She was obviously referring to your ring which she hadn't yet seen. You held out your hand to show her and she took your hand in hers, looking it over.

"Oh, Sherlock there's no way you picked this out." She turned your hand in hers as she looked at the ring from different angles.

"I didn't. Some guy at the store did." He shrugged.

"Sherlock! This ring is supposed to be a symbol of your love for Y/n! Don't go shrugging it off like that!" She scolded.

"It's quite alright, we're not your typical couple." You told her with a sideways smile. "I was honestly shocked he even got a ring."

"You two are meant for each other, aren't you?" She looked over you both with a dreamy look while you and Sherlock shifted uncomfortably under her gaze.

"Anyway! I do wish your parents could have made it as well!" She sighed, moving on to another topic. Right, your parents. Which you definitely accidentally forgot to mention to them that they were invited to come... whoops.

"Oh, I'm sure they'll be able next year." You told her before you tried to avoid further conversation on the subject. You turned to take your coat off as well, hanging it on the wall along with Sherlock's.

"She didn't tell them, and I don't blame her." Sherlock spoke. You shot him a dark look before you turned back to Mrs. Holmes with a smile.

"He's only joking." You laughed, as she looked at you with a questioning expression.

"Oh, Sherlock. Never was good with jokes." She smiled, going back towards the kitchen where an aroma of smells was wafting through their small cottage. You smacked Sherlock when she was out of sight and he chuckled deeply.

"Please, come and have a seat!" Mrs. Holmes called from the kitchen.

"They will be here, by the way." Sherlock gave you a mischievous grin. You blinked at him.

"That's another joke, right?" You smiled half-way at him, thinking this was just another one of his bad jokes. When his grin didn't falter you groaned. "You did not invite my parents."

"I haven't met them and you were never going to come have them sit down for a meeting." He said in his defense. You placed your fingers against your temples as you thought about your parents, Sherlock's parents, as well as Sherlock all in the same house. This wasn't going to be a fun day for you, was it?

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