The Blind Banker: Chapter 8

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After finding out about the identical murder to Van Coon's the three of you immediately headed to Scotland Yard to hopefully gain access to the second crime scene, if Dimmock would corporate. You hoped this second murder, identical to VanCoon's, would prove to him something was truly going on.

Sherlock marched up to Detective Dimmock's desk, placing his computer down, quickly typing. Dimmock crossed his arms, staring angrily up at Sherlock. He held his expression, waiting to see what else the three of you had to add on.

"Brain Lukis, freelance journalist, murdered in his flat." Sherlock finally pulled up the article then turned his computer to let Dimmock have a look. "Doors locked from the inside." Sherlock finished, a bit out of breath. Dimmock stared at the computer as if it were an alien from outer space. He had yet to even look at it. You pushed it closer to him and he looked up at you, his distaste for you very clear.

"You've got to admit, it's similar. Both men killed by someone who can... walk through solid walls." John stated as Dimmock finally looked over the article reluctantly.

"Inspector, do you seriously believe that Eddie Van Coon was just another suicide?" You asked, crossing your arms. He looked up at you, silent. Seeming to be having an internal battle in his head.

Sherlock sighed. "You have seen the ballistics reports, I suppose?" Dimmock nodded, looking up at Sherlock. You shifted on your feet, knowing that the report would show exactly what you needed it to. "And the shot that killed him, was it fired from his own gun?" Sherlock demanded.

"No." Dimmock simply said.

"No." Sherlock repeated, not surprised. "So, this investigation might move a bit faster if you were to take my word as gospel." Dimmock looked over to you and John, his irritation not dropping. Sherlock bent over Dimmock's desk with a determined look on his face. "I've just handed you a murder inquiry. Five minutes in his flat." Dimmock stared harshly before he looked over to you and John. You gave him a very forced smile, and he finally gave in.

He took the three of you to Lukis' flat. When you walked in, you were immediately met with police caution tape that crossed off the stairs up to Lukis' flat. Sherlock quickly ducked under the tape and climbed the stairs. You took a moment to take in the piles of books that lined the right side of the stairwell. There were books everywhere, along with some scattered papers and trash. You ducked under the tape as well, then followed Sherlock up the stairs.

A coat rack sat at the top of the stairs, a few coats hung on it, making it look empty and bare. Clothes were abandoned over the banister, probably left to dry after they'd been washed. You entered Lukis' main room and were met with a complete mess. Clothes littered the floor and hung over furniture. Piles and piles of books scattered the place, along with journals and papers full of notes. You noticed a crumpled up piece of black paper next to the doorway that looked as if it used to be an origami flower. You glanced into the kitchen and saw a mess of expired food and beer bottles lazily tossed about the counter. You turned around studying the man's desk, which had a decent collection of movies above it. You explored a bit more, and found that in a wash room in the back of the apartment there was a low sky light window on the room's slanted ceilings.

You went back to find Sherlock peering out a window to the streets below, Detective Dimmock and John watching him. A smile spread over his face before he backed away a bit.

"Four floors up. That's why they think they're safe. Put a chain across the door, bolt it shut and think they're impregnable." Sherlock stated, now glancing around the apartment. You started flipping through papers on Lukis' desk as Sherlock continued. "They don't reckon for one second that there's another way in." Sherlock whipped around searching the apartment.

Your eyes lit up as you looked at Sherlock, you knew exactly how the killer got in. Sherlock read this on your face, and you immediately began to lead him to the skylight. You don't know why you didn't think of it before, but it would make perfect sense! When in a panic, one wouldn't think to lock a skylight.

"I don't understand." Dimmock stated, following quickly behind you and Sherlock, John behind him.

"We're dealing with a killer who can climb." You stated, hurrying into the room with the skylight and jumping onto a table beneath it. Sherlock jumped up beside you, shoving the window open. It was already unlocked.

"What are you two doing?" Dimmock asked, staring oddly at the two of you.

"Clings to walls like an insect. That's how he got in." Sherlock told Dimmock, as the two of you gazed out of the skylight. It seemed unlikely, but someone had figured out a way to scale this roof and into the skylight.

"What?" Dimmock asked, in disbelief.

"He climbed up the side of the walls, ran along the roof, and dropped in through this skylight." You told him, tilting your head at the skylight. You looked down at Dimmock to see a stupid and unbelievable look on his face.

"You can't be serious. Like spider-man?" Dimmock mocked, and Sherlock whipped his head around to look at him. You just raised an eyebrow, nodding.

"He scaled six floors of a Dockland apartment building, jumped the balcony and killed Van Coon." Sherlock told Dimmock as if it were simple.

Dimmock laughed, shaking his head, "Oh, hold on!"

"And of course that's how he got into the bank!" You exclaimed.

"He ran along the window ledge and onto the terrace.... We have to find out what connects these two men." Sherlock looked at you before you jumped down from the table, Sherlock behind you.

"I may have a place to start." You told Sherlock hurrying to the stairs. You showed Sherlock one of Lukis' books, it had been checked out from the West Kingston Library with a timestamp of the day he died.

The three of you took a quick taxi ride to the library then quickly ran in to see if you could find anything connected to the case. You matched the numbers on the spine to where the book would go in the library and began to search around.

"Date stamped in the book is the same day he died." Sherlock told John as you began to search the shelves, your fingers brushing against the spines of different books.

Not long into the search you heard John utter, "Sherlock... Y/N...." You both hurried over to John and saw him grimly staring at an empty spot on a bookshelf. You peered into the shelf and saw a bit of bright yellow spray paint peeking out. You and Sherlock hurriedly pulled more books from the shelf to get a better look. The cipher, just like the one on the painting, was painted across the back of the shelves. Lukis had been threatened just like VanCoon.

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