The Hounds of Baskerville: Chapter 4

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One train ride and rental car later, you, Sherlock and John were all sat inside a Land Rover Jeep. You'd never driven anywhere with Sherlock before, where he had been the one driving. He was rather good at it, actually. Better than you pictured him to be. You were just glad his driving didn't make you get motion sick, it happened to you a lot on rural drives such as this. You were happy you could converse with Sherlock rather than forcing yourself to sleep so you wouldn't throw up from dizziness.

You'd kicked John into the back seat, and took the front for your own. He wasn't too happy about it, but he'd deal. Right now, he had his head propped against the window and was letting out quiet snores.

"You put him to sleep." You told Sherlock as you glanced into the rear view mirror to see John's mouth hanging wide open and drool dripping down his face. He looked rather comfy for his awkward position.

"What was that about back at the flat?" Sherlock suddenly asked, not taking his eyes away from the road. You tilted your head to look at him, unsure of what he was talking about this time.

"I'm sorry?" You asked, signaling him to explain himself further.

"You kept me away from Henry's cigarette smoke after I tried the first couple times, then you got me to listen to him when I gave up the case. Plus, all that talk about genetic experiments?" He stole a glance at you this time and you shrugged.

"Yeah, and?"

"And it's like you were..." He paused, thinking of the word he wanted to use.

"Right? I know. I usually am." You smiled at his annoyed look, but knew it was what he'd been trying to tell you. You leaned back into your seat in a comfortable silence, except for John's occasional soft snores.

"He's catching on, you know." You told Sherlock as you took his hand that was reached out towards you on the counsel of the Jeep. Sherlock hummed in response, gripping your hand tightly. "What do we do when everyone finds out?"

"Nothing will change."

"And if it does?"

"It won't." He promised you, looking over at you briefly to tell you he was being honest. It reassured you to know Sherlock wasn't stressed by the thought of anyone knowing about your relationship.

You heard John begin to stir and you slipped Sherlock's hand out of yours to point ahead on the road.

"Pull over a minute. We should get an aerial view." Sherlock nodded, pulling the Jeep to the side of the road. John sighed, creeping his eyes open to look around.

"What are we doing?" He yawned, watching as you and Sherlock unbuckled and stepped out of the Jeep. You held the map in your hands to look at it, before you handed it off to John who was now at your side, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. You saw a small town scattered miles below where you were. Sherlock immediately began searching. He climbed up a rather large rock to look down on the town. John scanned the map, looking back up at the terrain. He walked back to the Jeep, coming back with binoculars around his neck.

"There's-" John began.

"Baskerville." You finished, eyes scanning the scenery. "And Grimpen village is that way." You pointed in the opposite direction and Sherlock turned over his shoulder to take a look. "Then there's the infamous Dewer's Hollow." You pointed to a large grouping of trees too large to see through. That's the place Henry has been so scared of, his entire life.

"What's that?" Sherlock gestured to something glistening in the sunlight, but you couldn't make out what it was.

"Not sure, it wasn't labeled on the map. Just a skull and crossbones." You told him, squinting your eyes at it. You held a hand over your brow bone to shield out the sun as you looked. John picked up his binoculars to get a better view.

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