A Scandal in Belgravia: Chapter 14

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You needed to do some research on Irene Adler. So, naturally you headed to Bart's up to your office. It was somewhere you could focus without being distracted by anyone. You searched the web for hours, looking over her social media accounts, through files, even hacking into police records in attempts to learn more about her. You didn't find anything that you didn't know already. You needed proof she couldn't be trusted. You sighed, leaning back into your seat from stress. You clicked out of your computer, beginning to clean up your files. There was nothing.

Three rapid knocks rang out and you turned seeing Molly leaning in the doorway. You raised your eyebrows at her, telling her to continue as you turned to pack more files away.

"What are you doing? You've been in here for at least an hour." She noted, laughing slightly. You packed away the last file and turned to her.

"Trying to do research on someone. It didn't help." You spun in your chair, leaning into it as you blew away hair that was brushing against your eyebrow. What were you supposed to tell Sherlock when you tried to tell him you didn't trust her? He'd probably react in a way that wasn't ideal. He'd want evidence you didn't have.

"Oh... I brought you tea." She smiled handing you the drink and you took it thankfully. You took a big sip noticing she was still standing there staring at you. You pulled the cup from your face and gave her a questioning look. You were too tired for this.

"What is it?" You sat the cup aside, gesturing her further into your office. She looked like she was pondering something. She stood there silent for a long time before she looked up at you with a shy look. You grabbed the tea again to take another sip in attempts to avoid her serious gaze. This was going to be another awkward situation, wasn't it?

"Is Sherlock seeing someone?" You choked on your tea, coughing it out as you sat it aside. You recovered, giving her a watery eyed smile.

"What makes you ask that?" You asked, not noticing your uncomfortable and nervous shifting. You pulled at the hem of the collar on your shirt, making sure it was closer to your neck. One person had already seen your hickeys, you didn't need another.

"Well, he came in and was x-raying some girl's phone awhile ago and he was acting weird about it." She told you, wringing her hands. You left out a breath of relief. She hadn't been talking about you. Suddenly you felt bad, Molly was head over heels in love with Sherlock and you had taken a big step towards a relationship with him. You knew that Molly, your friend, had the biggest crush on him and you had probably broken some sort of "girl code".

"Oh, that was probably Irene's. It's a case we're currently on." You explained to her, straightening out papers on your desk to avoid looking at her. You sat like that for a while, just readjusting papers that didn't need readjusting. You felt Molly still standing behind you and you knew she had more to say.

"Just say it." You breathed, turning back to look at her.

"Are you seeing someone?" You raised your eyebrows at that question, wondering what she meant by that.

"Oh, Molly, I-" You cleared your throat awkwardly as you adjusted your shirt collar again, it felt like it was a little too tight.

"No, not like that!" A blush quickly came to Molly's face as she covered her mouth with her hand in a small giggle. "I was just asking because you uh- you have a hickey on your neck." She pointed towards your neck and your face heated up. Not again, was it really that noticeable? You felt your palms begin to sweat under her gaze. Old you could just blurt out and tell Molly everything you and Sherlock had done, now you didn't want to hurt her feelings. She was sweet and very fragile.

"Molly... about that." You chuckled looking up at her. You didn't speak but gave her a small sideways smile while she studied you. She eventually put two and two together and her eyes went wide in shock.

"You and Sherlock... oh." She nodded putting on a fake smile as she tried her best to look happy for you. It wasn't fooling you.

"Listen, I don't know what it means or how long it will last but we're not telling anyone. Besides, we've only kissed like a couple times." You lied, trying to make her feel better. You couldn't tell her the truth. "He probably doesn't even like me that much anyways, you know how he is. And I-" You quickly tried to explain to Molly but she cut you off, deepening her smile.

"Y/n, it's fine. I've been telling you this whole time he liked you! Besides, I knew my crush on Sherlock wasn't realistic. This is a huge step for you! Emotions, that's awesome!" She grinned and you studied her, seeing she really did look happy for you. She was a true friend. You were sure most girls would ditch their friend for something like that, but not Molly.

"Yeah. It's crazy to think how much I've changed. Molly, you've helped me so much in all this mess. Thank you." You told her truthfully, smiling up at her. Her face flushed as she waved your compliment away, not wanting to take credit for her great deeds. She deserved more appreciation from you, you just hadn't seen that until now. There was another knock on your office door and you looked past Molly to see one of the men that had taken Sherlock away when he'd gone to Buckingham Palace. You were surprised to see them here, you thought they only liked to kidnap Sherlock.

"If you're looking for Sherlock he's not here." You joked, knowing he'd already know where Sherlock was. You were still kind of angry that they hadn't taken you with them, which wasn't his fault but hey, the anger had to be targeted at someone.

"I'm here for you, Dr. Y/l/n." He said as he crossed his hands over one another looking at you. You rolled your eyes at Molly, and she gave you a confused look, looking back and forth at the two of you. Of course she had no idea what was going on or who this man was.

"Oh! You've upgraded me to Doctor now, I'm flattered you remembered." You said sarcastically. The agent kept his stone face, waiting for you to go with him. "Tough crowd, eh?" You asked Molly. She looked at you like you were insane. Probably because you were. "I don't want to go." You told him, crossing your arms stubbornly.

"Actually, I'll find that you do." He reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a small slip of paper. You approached him, scanning over the paper. It was a plane ticket. For flight double oh seven. You cursed under your breath as you took it and followed the man out.


You were led to a small black car and you climbed in seeing Sherlock already sitting in the back with his body turned towards the window. He glanced over you and you gave him a dark look as you climbed in. You knew what this meant, but you were guessing he hadn't figured that out yet.

"Kidnapped again." He smiled at you and you shook your head at him, not in the mood for his jokes.

"Sherlock, do you understand what this means?" You looked at him with a serious face before you turned away, whispering to yourself. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted her."

"Who? Irene? She's got nothing to do with this, she just happened to screw up when she took that photograph." He told you, clearly not seeing what you saw.

"This is serious, Sherlock. I'm not joking." You stared him down and he studied you, his face softening at your intense features.

"Is it because you were jealous of her?" He asked softly, placing his hand on top of yours. You pulled away, huffing at him. He gave you a confused look as you glared at him.

"Really, Sherlock? Really? How many times do I have to say that I am not jealous of Irene Adler. I'm smart and we're consulting detectives, being able to pick out shady people is kind of our thing. Even if you didn't see it, I did and that should be enough to convince you." You told him, turning away from him. He studied you, taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry." He said and you turned to him, looking for honesty. He was being sincere, you couldn't help but let your irritation fade at the look he was giving you. He looked upset that he had made you mad. Good.

"You should be for underestimating me." He nodded, leaning closer to you as he awkwardly looked to the front at the man driving. He gave you a quick peck on the lips then returned to his seat, grinning at you. You shook your head at him, grabbing his outstretched hand across the seat.

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