The Final Problem: Chapter 6

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(Whoop! Next chapter out! I think I'm getting a little faster at these now... I wish I could whip out chapters daily like I used to, but I'm so much picker over my sentences and word choice now that it's not realistic. I can't wait to go back and edit this book once I'm done and make it SO much better than it is now! 😊 Also, to those who are interested, be on the lookout for a sneak peak of what my next book is going to be! It'll be an original, and I'll start posting chapters after this book is completely finished! Anyways, please enjoy this chapter!!!❤️ Oh, and you might wanna grab the tissues for this one!)


Later, you made a decision: Under no circumstances were you letting Eurus get to you any further. You weren't giving her anything. No emotion, nothing... to the best of your abilities. You didn't want her to feel as if she'd won. You wanted her to be upset by the outcome of her stupid game. To show her she wasn't as clever and powerful as she thought she was. How well would you play this out? Most likely not well, but you had to at least try.

After witnessing five deaths today in the past hour, you were in light terms, riled. Being here made you remember the numbness you used to hold inside growing up as a kid. How in the years you'd known Sherlock and John how much you had changed. Even now, as you were squeezing Sherlock's hand tightly in yours, you knew what you were feeling inside was fear, anger, maybe even betrayal. You'd come to terms with who you'd become– accepted your emotions even when you pushed them aside to not get in the way. One of those times needed to be now.

You squeezed Sherlock's hand tighter in yours, exhaling a long breath to calm yourself. You let any emotion you felt clouding over you out through your breath. In simpler terms, you did your best to shove up a barricade to not let your emotions take over. That seemed to be harder these days considering how off your hormones seemed to be ever since you'd gotten pregnant. Nonetheless, you did your best, letting Sherlock lead you on into the next room.

As you neared the end of the corridor, a metal door at the end of the hall slid open like it could sense your presence. Sherlock slipped his hand from yours, extending an arm in front of you as he peeked into the room. He leveled the gun in his opposite hand, that he'd grabbed before leaving the last room, and proceeded forward with caution.

When nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, you entered the room with John and Mycroft following behind you. You looked around, immediately noticing another screen in the room. This one was currently picturing a static fuzz, in which the sound also filled the room.

Sherlock made his way straight up to two sawhorses in the middle of the room where a wooden coffin was perched on top. Lights from the ceiling shone down on the coffin like it was set up at someone's funeral showing. However, you noticed that this coffin didn't currently have its lid. You scanned the room and quickly spotted it behind you, near the door you'd entered. It was face down against the wall, the lacy, white lining pointed outwards. Seeing the coffin didn't make you feel like anything grand was about to go down.

Before you could further investigate the room, Eurus' voice interrupted your thoughts. "One more minute on the phone." She simply stated before the connection shifted over.

A buzzing sound went off shortly before the little girl's voice again filled the room. "Frightened. I'm really frightened." She told the four of you. Clearly she was extremely worried.

You looked to Sherlock, who closed his eyes as his head tilted back towards the ceiling. No doubt he wasn't stressed out about all this. "It's okay, don't worry." Sherlock told her. "I don't have very long with you, so I just need you to tell me what you can see outside the plane."

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