His Last Vow: Chapter 2

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Later, Sherlock had finally come back into the lab with his samples and handed them over to Molly who began analyzing them. You didn't even want to look at them, you already knew what his results would be. Not. Good.

"Well, is he clean?" John crossed his arms as he watched Molly look through the microscope's lense. Molly looked pissed. Rarely did you see Molly look so upset, but she was raging.

"Clean?" Molly snapped her gloves off, throwing them aside as she marched over to Sherlock. She slapped him hard across the face with her right hand. She swung again, slapping him a second time. Then, once more with her left hand. Sherlock's face snapped to the side with each impact as Molly glared daggers at him, her hands visibly shaking. You stared at her with wide eyes, you'd never seen her this upset. "How dare you throw away the beautiful gifts you were born with? And how dare you betray Y/n after all she's done for you? And how dare you neglect the love your friends have for you. Say you're sorry." She demanded. You glanced at Mark with a shocked expression. He had a small smile on his face and your shock turned to a glare. You pulled away from him and he gave you a questioning look. You didn't meet his eyes.

"Sorry your engagement is over, though I'm fairly grateful for the lack of a ring." Sherlock told her bluntly, rubbing his cheek, which was already becoming pink from Molly's blows. "Stop it. Just stop it." Molly looked up at him, just shaking her head at him. John quickly approached him, getting in Sherlock's face.

"If you were anywhere near this kind of thing again, you could have called, you could have talked to me." He spoke in a hushed tone as he stared up at Sherlock. Sherlock rolled his eyes at that statement and you already knew what he was about to claim once again.

"Don't say it's for a bloody case, Sherlock. Not unless you'd like to share what case this could possibly be for." You leaned back towards the wall, watching everyone from the corner of the room. Sherlock's eyes panned to you, scanning you over.

"Don't get me started on your pity relationship, Y/n. When were you going to tell Mark that you're using him in attempts to get over what I did to you?" His eyes narrowed as he spoke quickly, reading you like an open book. You scoffed at that, shaking your head. You withheld wanting to break down, telling him he was right, but you kept your game face on.

"My relationship is none of your business. Besides, how would you know anything-"

"Please, it's not hard to know it's a one sided relationship when only one person is putting in any effort." Mark looked at you, as if looking for confinement but you crossed your arms looking away. He shook his head, pushing his way out of the lab. You watched him go, figuring you'd just talk to him about it later.

"Ohh no, guess that's the end of that relationship." Sherlock watched Mark leave the room and you just stared blankly at him. You weren't giving him the reaction he wanted.

"Sherlock! What's wrong with you?" John snapped, appalled by Sherlock's actions. Sherlock felt attacked, it was natural Sherlock behaviour to lash out on anything and anyone when he was feeling cornered. Now was one of those times.

"I might as well ask you why you've started cycling to work." Sherlock looked back towards John and John shook his head.

"No. We're not playing this game." John took this opportunity to walk away from Sherlock. He walked towards you where you stood in your corner, before he turned to look back at Sherlock.

"Quite recently, I'd say. You're very determined about it." Sherlock continued.

"Not interested." John said.

"I am." A voice called out. You turned to the side, seeing the druggie from earlier. He was sitting atop one of the lab's tables and Mary was still tending to his apparently injured arm. "Ow." He said as he pulled his arm slightly away from Mary.

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