The Great Game: Chapter 4

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"Update us." You told Sherlock as you bounded into Lestrade's office, John close behind. You looked throughout the room, your eyes scanning over Lestrade and Sherlock. The look on Sherlock's face said it all. This case was exciting. Very exciting.

"The explosion by 221B... It was made to look like a gas explosion, but it was intentional. All that was left behind was a steel enforced box. With this letter inside." Sherlock told the two of you flipping the letter over in his hands. A small smile was held on his face as he held the letter up, getting a good look at it.

"May I?" You asked, holding your hand out for the letter. Sherlock obliged and handed it to you.

You looked at the fancy, curled writing that spelled out Sherlock's name. You flipped it in your hands then held out a hand for Sherlock to hand over his magnifying glass, you looked carefully at the writing technique and the ink of the pen used. "Hmm.... She does have beautiful handwriting- couldn't ever write like that myself. It's bohemian, it comes from the Czech Republic. And the pen... it's obviously a fountain pen with an Iridium nib."

"What kind of fountain pen?" Sherlock questioned. You rolled your eyes, he was testing you. You looked at the writing closer. "Parker Duofold. Do you know a girl from the Czech Republic, Sherlock?" You questioned, handing back the envelope to a smirking Sherlock.

"Okay, really how do you guys do that?" John asked, eyes wide and unknowing. You ignored him studying Sherlock as you handed the envelope back. His mouth was still in a happy little grin as he scanned you.

"Obviously not." Sherlock answered picking up a letter opener and slicing the envelope open. You peered over his shoulder, watching. He dumped the contents into his hand and out popped a phone with a bright pink case. You raised your eyebrows in surprise. You surely hadn't expected that.

"That's the phone... The pink phone." John trailed off staring at the phone in Sherlock's hand as he flipped it over and studied it. You looked over Sherlock's shoulder, pressing against his arm to get a closer look at it. You felt him look over at you, but you were squinting intently at the phone. It was clearly brand new. Not the same phone. But someone had gone to extreme efforts to find the same exact phone and the same pink case. Things were about to get interesting, you could feel it.

"What from 'A Study in Pink'?" Lestrade asked John, looking over at the phone himself. You gazed at Lestrade, I hope he enjoyed John's blog, you thought. You knew Sherlock wouldn't be as thrilled to hear it.

"Well it isn't, of course, but it's supposed to look like it-" Sherlock stopped what he was saying to look over at Lestrade with a confused look. "'A Study in Pink'- you read his blog?" He asked, almost offended. You thought Sherlock's realization was rather comical... well you didn't, but you thought someone might.

"'Course I read his blog. We all do. Do you really not know the Earth goes around the Sun?" Lestrade asked, tilting his head at Sherlock and squinting his eyes. He was being serious. It was crazy that a guy as smart as Sherlock wouldn't know something as simple as that. A snort of laughter suddenly pipped out from the hallway and you looked out the door to see Sally Donovan grinning at her desk. You glared at her.

"Oi! Sally, what rotates around the Earth?" You asked, your eyes narrowed. She looked at you surprised, glancing around the room as if you were joking.

"Well, the moon obviously." She laughed, you joined in with her and she looked really confused.

"Anything else?" You hummed. She gave you a blank look and continued laughing darkly.

"Of course the moon does, but what about satellites? Or asteroids that are stuck in Earth's orbit?" You stared at her and she glared at you, her face going red. "That's what I thought." You grinned, feeling satisfied. John raised his eyebrows at you and you rolled your eyes at him, he needed to stop with this whole 'you like Sherlock' thing.

"Okay, well, anyways... this isn't the same phone, this one's brand new. But someone's gone to a lot of trouble to make it look like the same phone, which suggests your blog-" Sherlock shot a look at John before continuing. "has a wider readership."

"Right, but who would send you this phone?" You voiced aloud, watching as Sherlock turned the phone on, swiping left to unlock it.

"I have no idea." He answered, flipping through the phone. He held it out and a message played aloud.

"You have one new message." The phone's voice said before giving off five pips. You looked around the room waiting, but nothing else came. Five pips...

"That's it?" John asked, surprised.

"No, that's not it." Sherlock answered, looking down at the phone. You John, and Lestrade crowded around him as the phone showed a downloading sign as an image loaded onto the phone. A photo of a flat appeared. You stared down at it, instantly reaching towards your coat pockets, searching.

"What the hell are we supposed to make of that? An estate agent's photo and the bloody Greenwich pips!" Lestrade asked, sounding beaten and a bit pissed.

"It's a warning..." Sherlock answered gravely, his face now set in a concentrated look.

"A warning?" John asked, as you continued to search through your pockets. You must have left them somewhere! There's no way... You knew for a fact that you put them in your pocket. If you had no memory of them being taken out, you weren't the one who moved them.

"Some secret societies used to send dried Melon seeds. Orange pips. Things like that. Five pips! They're warning us that it's going to happen again." Sherlock answered, seeming to notice you vigorously searching your pockets. "Y/n, what is it?" He walked over to you and you glanced from him to John and finally to Lestrade.

"That picture... it's 221C. It's my flat, it's only just started to get renovated. My key is missing." He stared at you before hurrying out the door, you close behind.

"Wait, what's going to happen again?" John asked, slowly following.

"Boom!" Sherlock mimicked an explosion as he continued to run.

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