The Great Game: Chapter 6

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Eventually Molly calmed down and came to a sort of clarity with her situation. You think she realized that he wasn't really worth it anyway. You explained to her all the scientifical reasons it wouldn't have worked out and she seemed appreciative of that, which was a good thing since you hadn't known what to say. You just let out your thoughts on how he held himself and that he seemed... off. He wasn't right for her.

After you spent quite a time over Molly's problem, she started giving you a pep talk as always. She went on and on about how you needed to stay out of Sherlock's way in this case because a poor woman's life was on the line. She was extremely worried about the hostage, which she didn't even know. You just decided it was best to stay quiet and get it over with rather than arguing with her and having to listen to her talk even more than she already was. You just smiled and nodded, becoming increasingly irritated because you knew she was 100% right. You just wanted to know why the stupid killer- possibly Moriarty, hated you so much. You wanted to have some fun too! Not mounds of boring cases to finish. You had nothing to do except attempt to stay away from this case... which would be hard knowing yourself.

"Uggghhh, fineeeeee." You finally admitted to Molly out loud once you were done with hearing her repeat her words multiple times. "I won't intervene. But Sherlock owes me big time after this." You muttered pushing yourself out of one of Molly's chairs. You weren't sure if you were being totally honest, but Molly didn't need to know that. You were too attached to the case already, you knew you couldn't hold yourself back for long, so you might as well not even try.

"Tell that to the poor girl strapped in dynamite." Molly stared at you with a cold look.

"Actually, the explosive is most likely not made up from dynamite, generally speaking a hand crafted bomb like the one we're probably dealing with consists of Trinitrotoluene, TNT, or perhaps RDX or something of a similar variety. But I don't see someone strapping a hostage up in dynamite... no that seems unlikely." You pondered out loud, frowning when you saw Molly's threatening glare. "Sorry! Emotionless, geez!"

"From now on, no more using that excuse. You have photographic memory for God's sake, use it!" You blinked at Molly wide eyed. You hadn't expected that.

"That was... surprisingly intelligent. But human interaction is not my utmost priority. I appreciate your concern, Molly. Anyways, I should check on my lab... without helping." You gave Molly a stern look before you left her office and headed back to your lab. Just as you were about to enter, Sherlock came rushing out and you jumped back to avoid getting hit.

"Oh, Y/N. I just discovered that these shoes belong to-"

"You probably shouldn't tell me, Sherlock." You told him, and Sherlock gave you a confused look at your sudden change in interest. "I talked to Molly, she put it in the right way. There's a life on the line and I have casework to finish. See you back at the flat later?" You asked, opening your lab door to clean up after Sherlock.

"Always." Sherlock said, eyes scanning you for any sort of distress or something that might be bugging you. He saw nothing... strange. Molly's speaking skills must've improved, because your willingness to give up a case would never falter. Sherlock would have to keep an eye on you.

"Okay, cya then." You waved to John then closed your lab door, beginning to clean. As you cleaned you thought how genuinely proud of yourself you were. You'd thought you wouldn't be able to hold yourself back from the case, but you had. Even if Molly's speech had annoyed you, it had subconsciously helped you to not butt in. You were sure that wouldn't last too long. When you finally got your lab just the way you liked it again, you headed back to Sherlock's flat.

It was quiet when you arrived. You pushed open the door to the flat and sat your work bag aside. You shrugged off your coat and glanced around Sherlock's musty flat he called his home, eyes scanning for any changes. Other than a few misplaced papers, nothing was too different. You yawned, heading towards the kitchen, where you assumed Sherlock would be sat over a microscope, trying to learn more about the shoes he found in your flat.

When you rounded the corner, you saw you were in fact correct. He sat, with all his focus on the shoes. You watched him awhile, knowing he hadn't yet become aware that you had entered the flat.

His curls were in a mess that framed around his face and his striking blue eyes were narrowed in determination. His posture was proper, even though he was bent over a microscope. You saved this image of Sherlock in your head, not like you had any choice, but actually truly watching him work, very much entertained you. You could almost see the gears turning in his head, not something you often took the time to stand back and watch. But now, since you had to sit out on this case, you felt as if you were on the outside looking in. Your eyes flicked around the table where you saw his case work laying, along with a couple cups of untouched tea that had all gone cold. That must be Mrs. Hudson trying to get him to eat or drink something when he was working on a case.

"Are you going to stand there and stare at me like an idiot, or come in?" Sherlock glanced at you speaking in his monotone, un-entertained voice. Your lips twitched into a brief smile. Those were the first words you had ever said to Sherlock. You found it quite interesting that Sherlock had decided not to delete that information. It did seem a bit invaluable. Then again, it could also just be a coincidence. From the smirk that soon formed on Sherlock's face, you knew he was referring to the first time you met.

"I like the view from here. Wouldn't want to spoil the case." He shook his head at you leaning back in his chair.

"I actually tend to enjoy your input. I have to admit, I miss your side comments." Sherlock admitted, leaning over the table to grab your large stack of unfinished case files. "Even if you aren't as intelligent as me." You groaned at his words, walking over to scold him.

"Awe, Sherlock Holmes missed me." You spoke sarcastically through pursed lips. That earned you a glare from Sherlock. You shook your head thinking you might not have executed that right, so you moved on. "I actually tend to believe that I'm more intelligent than you. I mean, I do know that the Earth revolves around the Sun." Sherlock outwardly groaned at you for bringing that up once again.

"No, don't even try to bring that up. John already bickered with me about that. I think I actually lost brain cells during that argument." You shook your head at this, almost thinking you might feel bad for John if you had empathy. "I finished your case files by the way." Sherlock handed them to you and you looked at him surprised.

"I thought they were all boring?" You questioned, flipping through the file on the very top of the stack. It was in fact, completely finished. And all the paperwork was phenomenal, this was just what you needed in your day. It made it the smallest bit more tolerable now that you didn't have to do these stupid files.

"Oh they were, but I was waiting for some results on these shoes to come back. I got impatient." That sounded like Sherlock, you thought, scanning a couple more files.

"Wow, this is rather beneficent. I need to get these back to Emma. She called me on the way here. They want me to work part-time and need me to help hire a new full time forensic scientist to fill my position." You blew a piece of hair away from your face as you thought about how much Emma expected you to do. You just wanted a break to work on your own cases with Sherlock. Ones that were actually fun to solve.

"Of course they do, you're the most tolerable person I know." Your cheeks heated up a bit at Sherlock's compliment, and you felt your eyebrows crease as you thought back on the day. Emotions... your emotions. You blocked the thought from your mind as it appeared. You didn't need to think of that today, not after this had already been one of the worst days you'd had in a very long time. You didn't need to add more onto it.

Suddenly, Sherlock's computer beeped and he quickly turned to it, scanning the results. You had lost his attention as he was absorbed back to his case.

"I'm using your shower." You told him, sighing as you thought over you and Sherlock's conversation. You caught yourself smiling as you repeated the words spoken in your head. Talking over cases was a thrill, sure, but something about being able to hold his attention made you feel... you weren't sure the right emotion it would be. But the way he talked to you... it made you feel needed and important to someone. Ugh, you shook your head as you caught yourself overthinking it all. You couldn't get yourself too attached to Sherlock. You couldn't.

You turned your mind to other things and as you were rinsing your hair, you realized you hadn't even noticed John was nowhere to be seen. You assumed that Sherlock had sent him to Mycroft for his case, now that Sherlock finished your cases, you could help John! It would definitely preoccupy you away from Sherlock's case. That was just what you needed at this point, no boring case files and a semi-interesting case! You'd get to it as soon as you could.

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