The Final Problem: Chapter 1

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(Hey, loves! I know this chapter is a bit everywhere, but we jump into the main storyline next chapter! :) I'm excited to get this one all written out for you guys! Also enjoy this one because it's a long chapter!!! I love you all and thanks for the extra love recently, you all mean a lot to me!!! Xoxo 🖤)


Sherlock had his doubts. You and John thought your plan was fantastic in every way possible; at first Sherlock wasn't so sure. However, it hadn't taken you long to convince him to scare the piss out of Mycroft, because well, it was funny. Of course Sherlock would take any chance he could get to terrify his brother, but he wasn't sure if Mycroft would fall for it at first. Well, turns out, he didn't suspect anything. Your plan was unfolding perfectly.

"See, look! It's already working!" You turned towards Sherlock with a snicker as you heard Mycroft's yell echoing down the hall of his rather large house. You'd never heard Mycroft yell in fear, which made the situation downright hilarious. Mycroft wasn't as big and bad as he wanted to seem.

"Okay, okay, you were right. He fell for it." Sherlock admitted, becoming quiet to listen to his brother's words. The whole point of being here was to force Mycroft to tell you if Sherlock truly had a sister or not. You weren't going to get the truth out of him any other way. If the man had kept the secret for this long, you and John knew the quickest and easiest way to get him to tell you was this. So far, you were confident it was working.

It had been news to you when John called you and Sherlock, half out of his wits saying that Sherlock had a sister and that sister had shot him with a tranquiliser during his therapy session. You hadn't been expecting Sherlock's sister to show up and shoot John out of the blue. But, you did expect the whole 'secret' sibling thing was true after the conversation you'd had with John and Mycroft about a month or two back when Sherlock was in the hospital. When John brought up the possibility of Sherlock having a secret brother. You'd known Mycroft had been lying about it, so now you were here to find out the complete truth. And the only way to do that? Scare Mycroft out of his wits.

"There's an East Wind coming, Mycroft! Coming to get you!" You heard the young childish voice you'd recorded play out.

"You can't have got out! You can't!" Mycroft yelled. You could hear his footsteps now quickly approaching down the hall, when he skidded to a stop. That would be the clown you hired intervening in his path. You peeked around the corner seeing the clown had taken a sword from a suit of armor nearby. Mycroft pulled apart his umbrella, revealing a much smaller sword than the clown had. You could tell he was trying very hard not to look as frightened as he felt, but he couldn't hide it from you. You could see how scared he was.

He pulled a handkerchief out of the breast pocket of his suit and tugged on his miniature sword. The blade popped off as a response and you could clearly see it had now become a gun. Mycroft pulled the trigger, but all he got was a click. The gun was empty. Of course you'd known about Mycroft's secret gun and knife combo umbrella. That's why you'd disarmed it. You didn't need one of your actors getting killed.

"No use, Mycroft." The child's voice playfully sang as Mycroft again pulled the trigger to no avail. "There's no defense... and nowhere to hide."

At that, the clown charged Mycroft and Mycroft yelped, running towards the staircase. You never knew how fast Mycroft could sprint down a flight of stairs. He rushed to one of many doors in the hall, yanking on the knob. Locked. He moved to the next one trying it, but just like the first it was also locked. Just like you'd hoped, the clown stopped at the top of the landing, watching Mycroft as he panicked. It took all you had not to burst into laughter over how truly scared Mycroft had been running away from your hired clown.

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