A Scandal in Belgravia: Chapter 3

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You had already slipped out of your robe and into your oversized night shirt when Sherlock had entered the room. You glanced up from the book you were reading and gave him a soft smile, recalling the things Molly had told you to do in your mini lessons weeks ago. You couldn't help but reflect on the words Molly had spoken to you moments before you saw about the explosion on telly, "I know he cares for you..." or the time you warned her about Sherlock and she'd said to you, "Sherlock talks about you a lot. He talks about you... differently...." Then your mind went back to the night you'd been shot, the worry held on Sherlock's face, his hand in yours, his fingers tracing along your cheek.

"Y/n?" You heard Sherlock call out softly. You glanced up at him, not noticing you'd disappeared inside your head. It was a bad habit.

"Hmm?" You hummed, setting the book in your hands on the nightstand.

"I asked what side of the bed you wanted." He said monotone, as you looked up at him.

"Oh, left." You quickly responded.

"Good, I prefer the right."

"Weirdo!" You joked, tossing a pillow at his stomach. He caught it, studying you intently.

"I tried a joke there, did I not do it right?" You asked seriously, at that Sherlock cracked a grin and you blushed, snuggling down into the covers as Sherlock peeled off his shirt. You couldn't help but blush deeper as you turned away so he could change. Once he was just in his night pants he pulled up the other side of the duvet, tucking himself beneath the covers.

You turned towards him, the both of you staring at each other in the dimly lit room. Almost challenging the other as to who would fall asleep first.

After a considerable amount of time, Sherlock spoke. "You're scared." He whispered. You looked down at the sheets, not looking up at him. "Y/n, I see the looks on your face when you think no one is watching. You just regained your ability to feel, I'm sure it's been overwhelming. You're going to need to talk about it at some point."

You shook your head at him not really wanting to talk about it.

"Y/n..." Sherlock trailed off.

"It's not just what happened. It's... everything. I... I can't talk about it right now. I don't think I can." You said this all in a small voice, not looking up from the covers.

"I understand. Just so you know, I'm here." You looked up at Sherlock at that, a small smile on your face.

"I know..." You sighed, quickly dropping the subject. You didn't want Sherlock to know how scared you'd been, about how all your past memories were coming back to haunt you and it was like a fatal blow to your chest. Everything that hadn't bothered you as a kid had come flooding back. But you decided to ignore it, to pretend that none of it ever happened. You needed to cope.

You eventually changed the subject and you and Sherlock began chatting about old case stories you'd been on before you met each other. You then moved on to different stories and opinions on your friends and people you worked with. Next you talked about how Sherlock had started off his career as a consulting detective, it was a very interesting story. You then somehow got to Sherlock's childhood. He hadn't said much about it, but you were listening to the tiny things he did reveal. Mostly about his and Mycroft's feuds. It entertained you how much Sherlock messed around and made Mycroft upset. Then Sherlock had asked you about your childhood, before the accident. You told him the things you remembered, but the older you got, the more you pushed childhood memories away. You explained to him the complicated relationship you had with your parents and all the things you would try when you were younger to try to feel anything at all. Sherlock asked about your ex again and you nodded, saying you'd stayed with him for so long because he made you feel pain. It was the only thing you could feel and even though it was terrible, you'd clung to it until your parents found out. You quickly moved on from that, laughing with one another as you considered other people's love lives.

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