A Scandal in Belgravia: Chapter 10

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"Crap." John said for about the tenth time on your ride home.

"You keep saying that." You crossed your arms, leaning against the taxi cab's door as you gazed out the window at the sidewalk flying past. John was then silent and you sat like that all the way back home.

You finally made it to Baker Street and practically jumped out of the car, seeing a note ruffling in the wind on the door. You barely stole a glance at the note, but your eyes were drawn to the chipped wood on the door showing forced entry. You ran your fingers over it, eyes now scanning the note. 'Crime in progress. Please disturb.'

You softly opened the door, heading towards Sherlock's flat. You raised a hand to John, telling him to be quiet. You scanned the stairs, seeing scuff marks along with finger nail scratches all up the wall.

"Mrs. Hudson." You breathed taking the stairs two at a time. You burst into the flat, first seeing a man tied up in a chair by the fireplace, his face bleeding. Your eyes panned to Sherlock sitting across from him, a gun pointing straight at him and his phone to his ear. You then saw Mrs. Hudson and hid your knowing look as you looked back to the man.

"Jeez. What the hell is happening?" John exclaimed from behind you, taking in the scene.

"Mrs. Hudson's been attacked by an American. I'm restoring balance to the universe." Sherlock stated in his monotone voice. You crossed your arms scanning this man.

"Oh, Mrs. Hudson, my god. Are you alright?" John rushed to Mrs. Hudson's aid, pulling her into a side hug. "Jesus, what have they done to you?" He asked, taking in her bruised face and arms.

"Oh, I'm just being so silly!" She burst into tears and your anger boiled up as you turned back to the agent, cracking your knuckles.

"NO, no." John cooed, holding her to his chest as she sobbed. Sherlock stood from his chair, his phone still pressed to his face and gun still aimed at the agent.

"Downstairs. Take her downstairs and look after her." Sherlock ordered John, eyes not leaving the agent.

"All right, it's all right. I'll have a look at that." John told Mrs. Hudson softly as he led her out of the flat.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Mrs. Hudson said with tears still streaming down her cheeks. You gritted your teeth, trying to withhold your anger as you watched another tear roll down Mrs. Hudson's face. She left the flat and John paused, looking over you and Sherlock.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?" He asked.

"I expect so, now go." He snapped and John quickly left. "You too." Sherlock looked up at you and you scoffed.

"This is the same agent that attacked and tried to kill you at Irene's, right?" You asked Sherlock, taking a menacing step towards the man, ready to pounce. You hadn't known that the agents were American. What did they want with Irene's phone? She had something on there that must be dangerous. She had put you all in danger sending that phone to Sherlock, but he had taken the proper precautions... apparently not enough to keep this agent away.

"Yes... how do you know about that?" Sherlock pondered, looking over you. You glanced back at him with a look that asked him why he even needed to ask. "Right. John." Sherlock nodded, eyes refocusing on the agent.

"Yeah, um, there's no way I'm leaving." You told him, giving the agent an evil smile; his worried look deepened. You could definitely make yourself look very imitating if you wanted to.

"Fine... " Sherlock sighed, pulling his phone closer to his ear. "Lestrade. We had a break in at Baker Street. Send your least irritating officers and an ambulance." Sherlock locked eyes with the agent as you grinned, knowing what was about to come. "Oh, no-no-no-no-no, we're fine. No, it's the, uh, it's the burglar. He's got himself rather badly injured." Sherlock paused, listening to Lestrade, his lips pursed. The agent shuffled in the seat, looking increasingly nervous with each second. "Oh, a few broken ribs, fractured skull... suspected punctured lung." Sherlock casually paced towards the window, gazing out of it. A small smile came onto his lips as he turned back towards the agent. "He fell out of a window."


Three minutes and two bruised fists later, the poor agent had somehow stumbled out of the flat's window in all of the struggle. It was a total accident, I mean it was his fault trying to "rob" Sherlock's flat and beating on Mrs. Hudson. He was practically asking you and Sherlock to push him through the window and onto Mrs. Hudson's garbage bins below (Lestrade didn't need to know that).

After a considerable amount of time, Lestrade and an ambulance crew showed up to take the agent away, and he was sure pissed, but too injured to do anything about it. You watched from Sherlock's flat as they wheeled him off, a stone cold expression on your face. Now that you had calmed down, the anger you felt before began to fade. It felt silly after you'd come down from a high of emotion, like it was all a dream where your body just took the reins while you sat back and watched. You saw Sherlock talking to Lestrade on the street below and you backed away, heading to check on Mrs. Hudson and John.

When you emerged into Mrs. Hudson's flat, she looked distressed and John was worriedly looking across the table at her. You barely gave Mrs. Hudson a second look as you began to make tea in her flat, tapping your fingers loudly against the counter as you waited.

"I think Mrs. Hudson needs to take some time away from Baker Street." John proposed, the worry in his eyes only growing. You glanced at Mrs. Hudson and her shaking form, her head propped up in her hands.

"You're crazy, Mrs. Hudson can't leave." You turned to pour hot water into a mug and reached for a tea bag, dipping it into the water. You watched as it slowly turned into tea with each dip.

You heard the door creak open and you didn't bother to turn around, already knowing it was Sherlock.

"John thinks Mrs. Hudson should leave Baker Street." You told him. You pulled the teacup towards your mouth, blowing on it to cool it down as you turned to watch Sherlock as he cleaned his shoes off on the doormat before making his way towards Mrs. Hudson's fridge.

"She should stay in our flat tonight. Then she can leave in the morning, stay with her sister. Doctor's orders."

"Don't be absurd. She's fine." Sherlock shook his head as he rummaged through the fridge. He found what he wanted and shut the door to turn towards John as he ate. You crossed one arm as you held your tea up, you took another drink and your eyes flickering from John to Sherlock and Mrs. Hudson. You knew Mrs. Hudson was fine, you were just waiting for John to realize that too.

"She's in shock, for God's sake, and all over some bloody stupid camera phone. Where is it anyway?" John turned towards Sherlock in questioning and your eyes went to Mrs. Hudson, you admired her for her bravery.

"Safest place I know." Sherlock answered, casually whipping crumbs from his jacket after he'd finished his snack. Mrs. Hudson grinned, reaching into her shirt and revealing the camera phone.

"You left it in the pocket of your second best dressing gown, you clot." Mrs. Hudson laughed, her face scrunching up. John's face showed one of shock, he always was so clueless. "I managed to sneak it out while they thought I was having a cry." You couldn't help but smile at Sherlock as he flipped the phone in his hand, briefly looking at you.

"Thank you." Sherlock told Mrs. Hudson, tucking the phone into his pocket for safe keeping. His gaze left you as he looked at John. "Shame on you John Watson."

"Shame on me?!" John looked confused and shocked as Sherlock semi-glared at him. You just sat back and drank your tea.

"Mrs. Hudson leave Baker Street? England would fall." Sherlock told him as he wrapped a firm arm around Mrs. Hudson's shoulders. Mrs. Hudson laughed as you and Sherlock chuckled, smiling at one another.

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