The Empty Hearse: Chapter 1

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"Sherlock, run!" You breathed, not stopping to look over your shoulder as you ran ahead at full speed. You stumbled over roots and rocks jutting up from the ground as you continued forward, not daring to stop for one second. Your legs felt numb and your chest ached as you gasped for air. You needed to stop, take a break, but you couldn't. If you did you'd be shot, killed, or tortured. You could hear the helicopters above you and you knew that they'd be making every effort to find you, no matter what it took. You heard voices in the distance and you glanced over to Sherlock, continuing to run ahead. Your legs began to feel like lead, but you pressed on, fighting through the pain. This was life or death.

You looked ahead and saw a flashlight beam for a split second before it disappeared. You turned over your shoulder and scanned the area, not seeing anything. You could still hear the helicopters as you ran, and the voices closing in on the two of you in the distance. Sherlock suddenly skidded to a stop beside you and you flipped around, hurrying to his side.

"Sherlock, come on! We have to go!" You said in a harsh whisper. You took heaving breaths, pulling on his arm to urge him to continue. He took ragged breaths along with you, scanning the dark forest with rapid eyes.

"It's a trap." He breathed, turning in a small circle. "They're closing in on us, Y/n. I'll distract them, run back towards where we came and hide if you hear anyone." He ordered quickly, gesturing you to run the opposite way.

"What?! No way, are you insane? We've got out of worse, I'm not ditching you now!" You wanted to yell, but managed to keep your voice down in a whisper. You looked up into his eyes. His gaze settled down at you seriously, he wasn't playing games. You usually got out of situations like this easily, both of you ending up fine as you came up with clever ways to sneak into places: together. But this, this had been the last piece of your two year journey and it wasn't an easy task. Breaking into the Siberian government to shut down Moriarty's last connection, that was hard. Had you done it? Of course you had, but that always came with backlash. They just caught you quicker this time and now you were both on the run.

It seemed as if every soldier these men had was on your trail and they didn't take intrusions lightly. You had no idea what could happen to you if they caught up to you, they were ruthless; unpredictable. The things people did to political prisoners was not pretty, heck you and Sherlock had been through it before, but you always found a way out. Together, always together. The fact Sherlock had just now decided to try to split up on his own without a plan, didn't comfort you whatsoever. That meant that he didn't know a way out; he was fresh out of the usual brilliant Sherlock plan. You scanned the area around you quickly, knowing that the both of you could be caught at any second.

"Y/n, you have to leave me." Sherlock told you softly. You shook your head, not wanting to look up at him. The only thing to do when you were both out of plans was for one of you to be the diversion. Then the other camped out, hid, and came up with a plan to save the other. You'd both done it before but never on a project quite this big. It wouldn't be easy and who knows what could happen to Sherlock if you didn't get there in time. You didn't like it.

"No, not this time. They'll be on high alert, Sherlock. There's no way I can sneak in to save you, and who knows what they'll do to you! I can't, not this time. You know what happened last time when the tables were turned-" You looked up at him with teary eyes as he smiled down at you.

"You'll find a way. We broke in, didn't we? It was easy. Now go." He looked down at you and you shook your head, a tear slipping down your cheek as you thought about the things that they might do to him to make him give up your location or why you were even there in the first place. This was the hardest part about living a secret life on the run, working with Sherlock to destroy Moriarty and everything he had built, it was so easy to get hurt and you hated leaving Sherlock. It was dangerous and death was always lurking around every turn. Of course it was exciting and there was always a new challenge everyday, but thinking about Sherlock dying on one of these missions was your biggest fear. Things went wrong all the time, what if this was that one time where it ended up going really wrong? What if they killed Sherlock?

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