The Final Problem: Chapter 3

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(Okay, I fussed with this chapter a lot and I think I got it to a spot where I'm pretty happy with it, so I hope you guys like this one! Also, if you saw my post a few days ago, I was in the ER and they did figure out what was wrong with me after a lot of tests and a night at the hospital. Turns out, ya girl has epilepsy sooOoOo I'm on medication now, but other than that I'm chillin! By the way, would any of you be interested in following my Instagram? I'd love to get to know some of you guys! Anyway, if so, y'all should message me your instas! Okay, now, enjoy this chapter my loves! 💗)


While Sherlock was continuing on his mission to meet his apparently psycho sister, Mycroft was also a man on a mission- to take the governor's job. "Answer yes or no. Has there ever been – against my express instructions – any attempt at a psychiatric evaluation of Eurus Holmes?" He questioned firmly. You honestly kind of felt bad for the governor, Mycroft could be very frightening when he was angry. You didn't blame him for his anger, you'd be pissed if you found out that there had been a secret evaluation for someone like who Mycroft described Eurus as. It could cause insane complications. You were just hoping that this wasn't one of those times where major complications occurred, although, deep down, you know there would be a crook in the road. You could still hope.

You silently gazed down at your stomach, acting like you weren't paying attention to what was happening beside you. It was clear to you that the governor didn't always follow Mycroft's instructions and today, that was going to be the end of his job. But from what you'd found out recently, Mycroft didn't really have room to talk all high and mighty. He'd kept back information from his entire family. He'd secluded his sister because he was scared instead of working it out together. You were surprised Sherlock wasn't as angry with the situation as you were.

The governor nodded glumly at Mycroft's words, just like you'd thought. "Yes." He answered.

"I presume the tapes are in my office?" Mycroft walked towards the holding cell door, that was now wide open and free for you three to leave through. You noted Mycroft's words, but didn't say anything in the hopes you could leave faster.

You were all halfway out the door when the governor realised what Mycroft had said. "Your office?" He squinted at Mycroft, making sure he had heard him correctly. You looked away, rubbing a hand across your stomach, trying not to listen in too much. You didn't want to make matters any worse by intervening in the conversation.

"Cast your mind back. It used to be yours." Mycroft told him firmly, walking the rest of the way through the door with you and John trailing behind; your eyes cast towards the floor.

A few minutes later, you were all in Mycroft's office watching the unauthorized psychiatric evaluation of Eurus Holmes. She didn't really freak you out like her demeanor seemed to want, but she was definitely a touch crazy. However, it seemed to you she had good reason, she had been locked up here her whole life. If she wasn't completely crazy before, she was now. Her tapes further proved this theory.

"Why am I here?" Eurus asked the man evaluating her, who wasn't pictured, but his voice was clearly male. She was sat cross legged, in her all white clothing, just staring blankly ahead towards the camera.

"Why do you think you're here?" The man's voice sounded faint and far away, but you were more focused on Eurus. Her words, behaviour, anything that would be deemed not ordinary. That was seeming to be practically everything.

"No-one ever tells me." She shrugged, looking down towards her hands. You creased your eyebrows in wonder at that. Did no one seriously tell her anything or was that a technique to get into people's heads? Or maybe both... You looked towards where Mycroft sat at a desk, watching the footage closely. John stood to your right, eyes glued to the screen as well as the governor, who was on the opposite side of the desk of you and John. You made a note to talk to Mycroft about Eurus' treatment later- you weren't sure if she was always like this, as he claimed, or if some of her conditions were perhaps from isolation.

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