The Sign of Three: Chapter 4

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(Guys, I can't wait to write the next chapter, omg. And finish this episode, tbh. Y'all probably gonna hate me, but it's okay. It's fine. It'll all be fine... Enjoy! (; )


As Sherlock began to explain The Bloody Guardsman case, you thought back to that day...

"Dr. McClendon, you surprise me a bit more everyday." You looked over to where Mark stood over a corpse, pointing out what anyone ordinary would have missed in a first pass over. He'd seen it in the first 30 seconds of studying the corpse.

"Was that a compliment?" He zipped the black bag up, not able to hide the grin that was creeping onto his face. You rolled your eyes at him as he passed you the dead woman's file to fill out. You took it, tucking it in the crook of your arm as you gave him a sideways look.

"If that's how you wish to see it." Your phone began to buzz in your pocket and you popped off one of your gloves to look at the screen which was illuminated with a text from Mary.

'Please come to the flat ASAP. Need your help.'

You looked at the message for a moment before you looked up to Mark with an apologetic grin. She'd been at the flat all day with Sherlock and John wedding planning. You were sure one of them had lost their minds by now, given Mary's text, that had probably already happened.

"It's Mary, I think something's wrong." He shook his head as he took the file back into his own hands with a grin.

"Go. But you owe me!" He yelled after you as you began pulling off your other glove and lab coat.

"Sure, a week's worth of files!" You yelled back, hurrying over to 221B. You climbed up the stairs quickly and walked through the doors, glancing around the room. Sherlock was squatted down by the coffee table holding up two different types of folded serviettes.

"You're home early." Sherlock glanced at you before looking back to Mary with a questioning look. You looked to Mary as well, wondering what in the world had happened.

"Finished early... what the..." The flat was basically a wedding war zone. There were papers plastered above the couch with seating arrangements, pictures of bridesmaid dresses, guests list, and much more. There was a small cardboard replica of the reception area with little tables with numbers and lists sat on Sherlock's desk. And now Sherlock was asking Mary which serviettes she preferred. He was losing his mind without a case to go on. This is why Mary had called you.

"Swan, or Sydney Opera House?" Sherlock held out the serviettes further for Mary to examine.

"Where'd you learn to do that?!" She asked in amazement, a small grin on her face. You wondered the same.

"Many unexpected skills required in the field of criminal investigation..." Sherlock quickly started to explain but Mary cut him off.

"Fibbing, Sherlock." She told him. Sherlock stopped, changing his story.

"I once broke an alibi by demonstrating the exact severity of..."

"I'm not John. I can tell when you're fibbing." She told him. You continued to scan the flat in awe. This was a whole new level for Sherlock.

"Okay – I learned it on YouTube." Sherlock finally told the truth and you shook your head, he was totally losing it. Looking up tutorials on how to fold serviettes on YouTube? He was terrified.

"Opera House, please." Mary turned back to the work at Sherlock's desk, gesturing you over. You sat next to her as Sherlock turned back to the coffee table starting to fold more. John was gazing down at his phone, probably looking for more cases for Sherlock. That or wedding stuff. You were confident it was the ladder.

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