The Six Thatchers: Chapter 7

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Once you arrived back at the flat, you and Sherlock were anxiously awaiting any news from Lestrade and if they were able to track down the guy. Sherlock already had a dark bruise forming under his eye, and his face was a little cut up in different places. You'd tended to his cuts, letting him explain what had went down at the house.

Sherlock had shown you the flash drive that was hidden inside the bust. One identical to Mary's... the one John had destroyed. You sat next to Sherlock as he tapped the flash drive anxiously with his hand, his mind not able to focus on anything other than the possible danger Mary was in now. You knew he was taking it really hard, he'd promised he would protect the Watson family. He wasn't going to break that promise even if it meant going where you and Sherlock had never been before. The whole situation scared you, really. It wasn't a pleasant one to be in, but you hoped that you could talk some sense into this guy to keep him from going after Mary. From how he'd acted at the house... that wasn't going to be an easy task. It didn't help that Sherlock no longer wanted you involved in the case anymore, but you stood your ground.

"I just don't have a good feeling, Y/n." He squeezed your hand softly, bouncing his leg as he watched the door. Any moment Lestrade would be back with good or bad news. You didn't have much hope they'd find him, he was clearly trained for this sort of stuff.

"And you signed away your freedom from working on this alone when you married me, Holmes. We're in this together." You leaned forward so that he'd look at you and he let out a long sigh. He squeezed the small flash drive in his hand as he leaned his head back onto the couch. You could practically feel his anxiety. "I know you're trying to keep us safe, but you'll need help. I promise I'll be careful. Besides, I have you to protect me." You brushed his cheek softly and he leaned into your touch for a moment, allowing his eyes to close as he took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, he looked more like himself.

"Okay, but don't ever go running into something like you did tonight. Not even if I'm in danger." He looked down at you, making you promise.

"I can't promise that, Sherlock... But I promise I won't do anything without thinking long and hard about it and knowing the statistics are on my side." You told him, he nodded, accepting that promise.

"Okay." You pulled him in for a hug. You just wish that stuff like this didn't always come up and bite you in the arses when you were supposed to be the happiest you've ever been. You had a baby on the way, John and Mary just had their kid, this wasn't supposed to happen. But stupid stuff happened all the time, especially when you all lived the lives you had. It was dangerous, and Mary knew her past would sneak back up on her eventually. You sat like that a long time, your face just pressed into Sherlock's chest as you listened to his heartbeat, his hands wrapped lazily around your waist and his head leaned into your shoulder.

When Lestrade entered the room, you both perked up, awaiting his news.

"Well?" You asked, standing from the couch to give him a once over. Whatever information he had didn't look very promising. He shook his head and you frowned, they hadn't caught him, which meant Mary was still in danger.

"He can't have got far. We'll have him in a bit." Lestrade tried to make the both of you feel better, but you two knew what this meant. They weren't going to catch him.

"I very much doubt it." Sherlock told Lestrade, pulling his phone from his pocket and typing on it. He'd be sending a message to Mary.

"Why?" Lestrade asked.

"Because I think he used to work with Mary." Sherlock stood, walking towards the door as he typed.

You gave Lestrade a sad smile as you watched after Sherlock. "He's a professional Lestrade, he knows how to disappear." Lestrade watched the two of you as you both headed towards the door.

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