The Empty Hearse: Chapter 5

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You awoke the next morning to see sunlight streaming in through Sherlock's window, dust particles danced in the light, settling over the room. You yawned, feeling really refreshed. You'd had a full nights sleep with no interruptions for the first time in months. You felt completely ready to seize the day, or whatever people said. You glanced towards the door to see it was shut, so you assumed Sherlock was up to something and didn't want to wake you. You rolled out of the covers, stretching. You searched the room for your clothes, but gave up, just pulling on one of Sherlock's dressing gowns instead. You tied it tightly around your body as you lazily made your way to the door.

You parted the door, listening for a moment before you walked out. You saw Mycroft sitting across from Sherlock in the lounge, that was a change. Seeing them both in the same room was rare for a second day in a row. They looked as if they were both highly concentrated as Sherlock bent over towards the coffee table that separated them and pondered his next move. With a delicate move of his wrist he easily removed the piece he was after in their game of Operation. You smiled as you walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and looking over at Mycroft.

"Morning." You smiled at Mycroft before you kissed Sherlock on the temple, pulling away before keeping your hands rested lightly on Sherlock's shoulders. Mycroft looked up at you in surprise, a small smile taking form on his lips before it disappeared just as fast as it was there.

"Sherlock, the red suits you." You turned your head sideways as you glided your hands down his shoulders. He was wearing his normal attire with a silky, red dressing gown thrown over it. The dressing gown was one you hadn't seen before, but you liked it. He hummed a response as he looked over to Mycroft seriously.

"Your move." You shook your head, not wanting to interrupt his and Mycroft's game so you set off to your flat, if Mrs. Hudson hadn't touched Sherlock's flat, she hadn't touched yours either. You figured it was time you started moving your things up to 221B. When you entered your flat, you saw a box sitting on the coffee table in front of your couch. You studied it, seeing your old chess set poking out of the top.

Molly had kept everything from your office and dropped it off at your flat. You smiled at it, happy Molly was one of the people that had helped you through this mess right from the beginning. You left the box, knowing that soon you'd be carrying it back into Barts. You were applying for that job. You missed Barts, you missed Molly, you missed everything at this point. The good and the bad. You were excited to get back to work again with two amazing people: Mark and Molly. As much as you were excited to get back to Barts, you were even more thrilled to get back on the streets with Sherlock. The adrenaline of solving a case with Sherlock was a feeling you couldn't even come to describe. You missed it.

You set off towards your room, not really interested in keeping anything else in your flat other than your necessities. You scanned through your closet looking for something to wear. You were surprised that all your clothing was exactly the same as when you'd left it. You got dressed, draping Sherlock's dressing gown back over your body as you set on packing. You started with your clothes, as they would be the easiest thing to pack up quickly. They'd need a wash, but other than that they were fine.

After dumping all your clothing items into a couple boxes you'd kept in the back of the closet, you started carrying them up the stairs towards 221B. The door was already opened, so you walked through, not able to see too much over the top of the boxes. You dropped them down next to the door, leaning in the doorway. You looked up to see Sherlock and Mycroft both studying you. You looked between them with an unknowing look as Sherlock cracked a smile, looking towards his brother. You couldn't help but laugh as you gazed at Sherlock, he had a winter hat of sorts perched on his head. It was woolen and had ear flaps, along with two little bobbles attached on strings.

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