His Last Vow: Chapter 3

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Three armed guards made their way into the flat, scanning the room before looking over the three of you. You glanced at Sherlock, what the hell was he thinking inviting Magnussen into his flat? You could only assume that's who it must be going off of Sherlock's talk of him, and this being his new big case.

"Oh, go ahead." Sherlock spoke as one of the guards made their way over to him as he spread his arms out to either side. One began frisking him and you rolled your eyes, holding your arms out as well as another one began checking you for weapons.

"Sir?" The third guard eyed John as he made no attempt to let the guard frisk him. John glanced over at you and Sherlock, as the guards checking you finished their search and stepped back.

"Can I have a moment?" He asked, looking up at the third guard.

"Oh, he's fine." Sherlock rolled his eyes. The guard stepped up to John, beginning to search him.

"Er, I... right. I should probably tell you..." just as John began talking the man reached into John's coat pocket, revealing a pocket knife. He looked up at John as he held up the knife in question. "Okay, I... That." John shuffled uncomfortably as the man set the knife aside, continuing to search him. "And..." John tried to explain as the guard pulled a tyre iron out of John's jeans. You raised your eyebrows at him as John chuckled awkwardly, looking at the guard's stern look. "Doesn't mean I'm not pleased to see you." That didn't seem to entertain the guard in any way.

"I can vouch for this man. He's a doctor. If you know who I am, then you know who he is..." As Sherlock spoke you heard someone approaching the door to the flat. "... don't you, Mr Magnussen?" You turned your head towards the door to see Magnussen walking into the flat. His eyes were calculating and cold as he made it no priority to be invested in a conversation anytime soon. His guards stood on either side of you, John, and Sherlock; the third one stood in the kitchen, waiting.

"I understood we were meeting at your office." Sherlock watched Magnussen as he continued to analyze the room. It made you feel the smallest bit better that Sherlock hadn't invited Magnussen into the flat, but you still weren't thrilled he was here.

"This is my office." Magnussen spoke as he walked across the room towards Sherlock's desk. He stopped, scanning John for a moment before continuing. "Well, it is now." He plucked up a newspaper from Sherlock's desk and took a spot on the couch, flipping through it. You watched him, trying to figure out what he was up to. He was really the scum of the earth.

"Mr Magnussen, I have been asked to intercede with you by Lady Elizabeth Smallwood on the matter of her husband's letters." You looked to Sherlock at this newfound information. Lady Smallwood has asked Sherlock to be a part of this case? When had this happened? And what letters? All questions you saved to ask him later. As Sherlock spoke, Magnussen was still looking at his newspapers, not paying any attention to Sherlock's words. "Some time ago you... put pressure on her concerning those letters. She would like those letters back." Sherlock continued. Magnussen finally looked up at him, his snake-like eyes taking Sherlock in. "Obviously the letters no longer have any practical use to you, so with that in mind..." Magnussen began laughing softly as Sherlock spoke, which caused Sherlock to break off, giving him a confused expression. "Something I said?"

"No, no. I was reading." Magnussen told him, reaching up to adjust a pair of glasses that were perched on his nose. "There's rather a lot." You glanced at Sherlock, not sure what Magnussen was speaking about. Sherlock looked just as confused as he squinted at Magnussen from across the room. "'Redbeard.'" He trailed off. You hid your shock as you wondered how this man could possibly know about Redbeard. Sherlock had told you only a bit about the childhood dog he possessed. He loved that dog... "Sorry. Sorry. You were probably talking?" You gritted your teeth at Magnussen's attempts to throw Sherlock off track. Sherlock wasn't hiding his shock that well as he stared at Magnussen, his mouth slightly agape.

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