Dancing Leaf, Squirming Sand

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You stood resting your head on the railings when Shikamaru forfeited his fight, making Temari the winner.

"How could he throw the match when he already had it won! That pisses me off, the lazy son of a--" Naruto yelled and jumped down at the field
"I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind!" Naruto shouted

Shikamaru was in the middle of his stretches when Naruto ran up to berate him. You were just a little behind him.
"I have a bone to pick with you! You idiot."

"Who you calling an idiot? Idiot."

"Why do you give up, are you really lazy or just a big chicken!" Naruto confronted
"Naruto, relax. Technically Shikamaru won the match when he caught Temari with his shadow possession. Nothing we could do." You said holding him back with a hand on his shoulder
"At least one of you has a level head. No surprise it'd be Nariko. But the point is it's over let's forget it. Okay?" Shikamaru said
"You've got to be kidding? No! It's not okay. You had that match--hook, line, and sinker!" Naruto yelled

"Would you forget about it? Would you shut up already, are you forgetting there's another match." Shikamaru's words caught Naruto into his rambling obsession caught Naruto's attention
"Another match?" Naruto had a questionable tone, you know you had to jump in
"You know... Your rival and teammate, Sasuke Uchiha."
"Oh yeah. That's right; it's his turn." Naruto said
"Hey, proctor. What's your name?" You asked
"You don't know my name. It's Genma, Genma Shiranui. What's it to you?" Genma questioned
"No reason." You shrugged it off

You could hear the crowd's rambling obsession with Uchiha vs. The mystery sand guy translation, Gaara. Everyone was placing their bets and rumors about his "injury" meaning his curse mark but no one knew that. The crowd is getting wilder by the moment then they started booing. A ninja jumps down and whispers something in Genma's ear and disappeared. Genma took out his watch and look at the time.

"If Sasuke doesn't show up soon. I'll kill him. I swear I'll kill him."

"Don't worry. He'll show up as soon as you know it."
"Why do you say that, Sis?"
"Because he's not the type to flee from this sort of thing. Something just tells me that he'll be here. Trust me on this." You said looking at your brother knowingly
"Always." Naruto gave you an assured nod


Little did you know, an enthusiastic bowl hair cuts walking with a cane under his arm and his sensei. The two guards welcomed them in with open arms.

"Roger!" Lee smiled

"Hm. Well, Lee, ready to go?"

"Yes sir."

"You've missed most of the first round. The only match left is between Sasuke Uchiha and that Gaara kid."

"But what happened with Naruto and Neji?"

"That's the most surprising thing."

Lee stood awaiting his news.
"The Hyuga kid got beat." He announced

Lee and Guy-sensei stood shocked as the news flooded in.

Did Naruto win against Neji?

There was another person similar in mind.
"What about Nariko?"

"Oh, she never got a chance to compete because her opponent dropped out. I want to see that match though."

Lee smiled.
"That is something."

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